Behind the Scenes of Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular

If you haven’t heard of the Discover Disney program, then you are in for a treat. This series is designed to give guests a look behind the curtain at how the magic is brought to life. I love a behind-the-scenes special, so this program is right up my alley. This time, the Discover Disney program is taking a look at the popular Walt Disney World attractions, the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular in Disney’s Hollywood Studios. We are getting to learn more about how these stunts are created and performed to give us that live-action feeling of excitement on stage.

Did you know… 

  • …The boulder that chases Indiana Jones weighs 400 pounds and is made of rubber? 
  • …Indiana Jones has to change into a brand-new costume after every show because of the wear and tear? 
  • …The punji sticks that shoot out of the ground during the show are controlled by square sensors that are triggered depending on where Indiana Jones steps? 

Disney Parks Blog

How cool is that? You can read more about how the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular works in the Disney Parks Blog article linked above.

The post Behind the Scenes of Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular first appeared on DIS.