Could Johnny Depp Return to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’?

It’s the question that has been asked over and over since Disney distanced itself from former Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp after allegations were made by Depp’s former wife. Headlines varied with stories of Depp being ousted to the star refusing to return to the studio, some even reporting that his lead in the franchise was being replaced with Australian star Margot Robbie. Now, in the latest turn of Pirate/Depp events, Sean Bailey, Walt Disney Studios President, seems to open the possibility of Jack Sparrow’s return in an interview with the New York Times.

Restarting the five-film ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ series is another priority, although nothing official has been announced. ‘We think we have a really good, exciting story that honors the films that have come before but also has something new to say,’ Mr. Bailey said. Will the franchise’s problematic star, Johnny Depp, return as Captain Jack Sparrow? ‘Noncommittal at this point,’ Mr. Bailey said, seemingly inching the door open.

The New York Times

Compared to a door that was once shut, locked, and firmly barricaded against Depp’s return to the franchise, Bailey seems to hint that the door might now be, at least, ajar. Could we see Johnny grace us with his staggering, intoxicating presence one more? I certainly hope so!

The post Could Johnny Depp Return to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’? first appeared on DIS.