REMINDER: A HUGE Change Hits Genie+ TODAY in Disney World!

Today, Genie+ changes again in Disney World.


Yes, we know, there have been A LOT of changes announced pretty recently for the skip-the-line service, but some of those changes won’t go into effect until 2024. This newest change, however, starts TODAY. Here’s what you need to know.

Today, June 27th, Disney World’s Genie+ system is now a per-park, per-day service, meaning that the price will depend on which park you’re visiting, and you can select between skipping the lines for a single day or multiple days.

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Today’s prices are below:


So let’s run through a few scenarios to help you out.

1 Park, 1 Day

If you’re heading into one park for one day only and you want Genie+ (remember, it’s not a necessity!), you’ll need to select the park you’ve got a park pass reservation and ticket for.

2 Parks, 1 Day

If you’re visiting more than 1 park in a day and have a park hopper ticket, you’ll need to select the Multiple Parks option. Keep in mind that if you’re visiting two parks and only want Genie+ for one of them, you’ll need to make sure you have a ticket and park pass for the park you want Genie+ for and you can select to just get Genie+ for that park.


Multiple Days, But Only Genie+ in 1 Park

Let’s say you’re visiting for a few days, but you only want to use Genie+ on one of your park days (for this example, we’ll say it’s in Magic Kingdom). You’ll want to wait until that specific day of your trip to purchase Genie+, and only buy it for that park for that one day.

Disney Genie Pamphlet

We’re all figuring out this new aspect of the service together, so we won’t know all the details until we have tried it today. So be sure to stay tuned to DFB for all the latest news, tips, and updates!

This is the Disney World planning advice we’re BEGGING you to ignore!

How do you feel about this new change? Tell us in the comments!

The post REMINDER: A HUGE Change Hits Genie+ TODAY in Disney World! first appeared on the disney food blog.