TRON Lightcycle / Run Motion Sickness Info and Tips

It’s true that many Disney World visitors are there to experience the seemingly endless array of rides.

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From slow moving rides in the dark like Haunted Mansion to thrill rides that’ll give you a supercharged boost of adrenaline like Tower of Terror, Disney World is a fan-favorite destination for those seeking a mix of both nostalgia and thrill.

However, Disney World can be a miserable place at times — especially for those of us who experience motion sickness. It can be hard to turn down a ride experience, especially when the rest of your group decides to go on the ride. Then, you’re often standing in the heat and holding bags for half an hour — and experiencing a severe case of FOMO. If that statement sums up your Disney World experience, and you’re hoping to try a NEW ride at Disney World, this post is for you!

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TRON: Lightcycle / Run is Disney World’s newest ride, located in Magic Kingdom. This ride reaches high speeds, has sudden drops and turns, and some of it is in the dark. There are also some flashing lights. To experience the ride and head onto The Grid, you’ll straddle the seat like you would a bike. This is your Lightcycle! You’ll then race Team Orange to a series of eight checkpoints in an effort to lead Team Blue to victory.

TRON Lightcycle / Run

The beginning of the ride is often the trigger for most people. The ride goes from being totally still to moving at nearly 60MPH in a little less than five seconds. The initial launch provides riders with that feeling of their stomach being left behind them — and can definitely trigger motion sickness. The ride starts inside, and within the first five seconds, you’re outside. If you’re light sensitive, this could be a trigger as well if you ride during the day.


You’ll go around a series of curves and an incline before heading back inside. Once you’re inside, there are several projections that continue to tell the “story” of the ride. Your eyes will automatically want to focus on these as you’re heading down hills and around curves. This is what especially triggers motion sickness for a lot of folks.

TRON Lightcycle / Run

The good news is, the ride is very smooth and not very jerky at all. That’s a huge plus if you’re typically triggered by sudden movements.

TRON: Lightcycle / Run

Our best advice is to take a motion sickness medication at least half an hour before you ride if you suspect that any part of it might bother you. We also recommend having something on your stomach — just a light snack — so that hunger isn’t causing you to be extra dizzy, queasy, or nauseous. We also recommend going easy on the caffeine before you ride, as it can cause extra jitters, anxiety, and nausea.

TRON: Lightcycle / Run

We hope that this post helps prepare you and that you can experience TRON: Lightcycle / Run without feeling motion sick. We’ll continue to give you our best Disney advice for situations like these, so make sure to follow along for more!

Curious about how Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind can impact motion sickness? Click here!

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Do you experience motion sickness while at Disney? Let us know your best tips and tricks on managing it in the comments below! 

The post TRON Lightcycle / Run Motion Sickness Info and Tips first appeared on the disney food blog.