We Give Up, Disney. WHAT Does This MEAN?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. 🎶

Magic Kingdom during the holidays

Okay, it’s actually nowhere near Christmastime, but don’t tell that to Disney! This week, Disney is celebrating Halfway to the Holidays, and we’re expecting some big announcements to be made. Last week, we found out that 6 new holiday snacks would be making their way to the Disney parks and cruises in June. And today, well, Disney has shared something on Twitter, but we’re not quite sure what to make of it.

Earlier today, Disney shared the news that one of its reindeer is on the loose, passing out presents before the holiday season! Readers were asked to report any sightings of this overzealous reindeer with the hashtag #HalfwaytotheHolidays.

Shortly after, Disney posted that the reindeer was wearing a GPS (Gifting Presents System), and has been sharing its coordinates all day. First, we noticed that it was in Canada.


It then started making its way northwest…


…and then turned around and headed for Greenland.


This went on for hours. Where is it going? Why is Disney teasing us with these updated coordinates? Will it eventually land somewhere significant? Since we are expecting some holiday news this week, it is possible that this will lead to news regarding the 2023 Christmas party. But as of right now, we’re just following this digital reindeer around the globe.


Eventually, it started nearing Russia…


..and was then spotted in Kazakhstan.


Is this…news? Will it be? Is it ever going to end? Who’s to say. For now, all we can do is keep watching the tiny numbers change in the feed. We’ll continue to monitor the situation, and update you when we know more.

Click here to read all about the holiday season at Disney World


The DFB Guide to the Walt Disney World® Holidays 2023 is a one-of-a-kind resource that will help you get the most out of your holiday vacation at Walt Disney World.

It includes over 400 pages of must-have information, including:

  • A full What’s New!! chapter for the 2023 Holiday Season
  • The COMPLETE schedule of events for the Holiday Season
  • How to avoid the crowds on Disney World’s busiest days (and when Disney World closes their parks due to capacity!)
  • ALL of the events, activities, and holiday additions in Walt Disney World. ALL. OF. THEM.
  • And, of course, we’ll tell you where to eat!

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What do you think Disney is trying to tell us? Let us know in the comments below!

The post We Give Up, Disney. WHAT Does This MEAN? first appeared on the disney food blog.