Disney Summer Series: Five Must-Have Items for Your Backpack

We are back with more of the Disney Summer Series, helping you navigate the hot weather of the Disney Parks and make the most of your vacation! Hopefully, you have avoided making the five mistakes we covered in last week’s article. This week, we are moving on to a few must-have items that you should carry in your backpack. If you are going hands-free, then try to have some of these with you in a pocket or a friend’s bag.

More Sunscreen

I’m going to keep reminding you of this every chance I get. Yes, you will need it. Yes, you will need to reapply it. Yes, you will thank me later. And, yes, you will be sorry if you don’t. Putting it on once in the morning isn’t going to be enough; you only have to glance around at all the guests sorting the red lobster look to see those who have regretted not taking it with them.

An Empty Waterbottle

The water bottle might feel like an obvious answer, but why would it be empty? When taking advantage of the free ice water available around the park, you will likely want some sort of sealable receptacle to carry it around. Throw in the empty water bottle, meaning you aren’t carrying the extra weight all day before necessary. Pick something with a wide neck at the top to get those ice cubes in there too!

Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash

A Giant Zip Lock Bag

I don’t go anywhere without a spare zip-lock bag in my purse. They can be useful for just about anything. In this case, if you want to indulge in any water rides that might splash, throw everyone’s electronics in the bag, and you are good to go. They are also handy for any leftover snacks or food that you want me to be able to take with you during the day.

Neutral Scented Deodorant

Traipsing around the parks for hours on end in the height of summer doesn’t smell great after a while, and if you are staying for dinner or fireworks later on, you might find yourself desperate for a little refresher. While taking something for everyone isn’t feasible, a single neutral-scented deodorant that anyone in your party can spray on and feel a bit renewed is always a good idea.

Face Wipes

Another excellent refresher is some cooling face wipes. If you are feeling the effects of the heat during the day, a cool wipe over of your face, neck, and shoulders, along with a park map folded into a fan, is all you need to make a big difference to how you feel. These are an extra good idea for kids or anyone who overheats quickly.

Photo by Bluewater Sweden on Unsplash

Special Mentions

Even though these didn’t make the official list, I have to give special mention to hats, hair ties, extra socks, power banks, light sweaters (to add a layer at night), and hand sanitizer.

That’s my list of 5 must-have items to add to your Walt Disney World Backpack during a summer park visit. Have I left anything out that needs to be added to the list? Let me know your make-or-break additions.

The post Disney Summer Series: Five Must-Have Items for Your Backpack first appeared on DIS.