Planning the Ultimate Disney Vacation Reveal

Planning a Disney vacation is a very exciting time for your family and friends. Once you have decided to book it, you might start thinking about how to break the news to any children coming with you. Disney reveals have become quite popular over time though there are a few things you might want to consider before putting your own together.

  • How well your children cope with suspense. Just because it is Disney doesn’t mean kids will be immune from the overwhelming feeling of being surprised that might not feel good.
  • How patient your children are when waiting. If your children are young and you can keep the secret, it might be best to hold off until closer to departure. Disney is very exciting, and kids might find it hard to wait an extended period of time.
  • How much preparation your child needs to feel comfortable? Some children might require a bit more prepping before it’s time to go, giving them more time to understand where you will be going and preparing them for things like the sensory impact of being in a crowded environment.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Now, we get to the good stuff! Pulling off your Disney reveal might make for one of the most incredible memories of the trip. As long as your children are old enough to have some understanding of where they are going, their reactions can be priceless. There are a few ways you can pull this off, and here are a few of my favorites:

Play a Game of Charades

This is an excellent idea if your family is familiar with playing games together. They won’t be thrown off at the thought of playing, and in the end, they will get a surprise that won’t be forgotten! Play kids versus parents with a few rounds underway before you make your big move.

Create a Treasure Map with Clues

Take your family on an enchanted treasure hunt, placing clues around the house and backyard to lead them to their next location. In the final spot, create a treasure box with some Disney items in it that will leave them excited and hoping their instincts are correct. Then, let the mouse out of the bag!

Photo by Ashin K Suresh on Unsplash

Fill the Room with Balloons, Some that Contain Words

If you want to take the reveal to a noisy level, turn your loungeroom floor into a sea of balloons in bright colors. As you blow them up, add some clues to a few of the balloons so the kids have to pop them all to find all the clues and work out what the surprise is. If you are handy with a vacuum cleaner, add some confetti to the balloons with hints in them as well.

‘Accidentally’ Put on a Disney Parks Commercial

Don’t you just hate it when everyone is about to watch a movie, and somehow a commercial comes on instead? If you team up with a co-parent, you can likely distract their attention for long enough to bring up one of these Disney Parks commercials on YouTube and play them for the family. Add a bit of theatrics to it as well, “oh, I’m so sick of advertising,” you get the idea. Once the ad is over and everyone feels those pangs of jealousy for the families on the screen, candidly ask if anyone wants to go! Here are two that you can use:

Those are just a few of my favorite Disney reveals that we have done in our house. Of course, no matter which way you go, be sure to have that video camera or smartphone on hand to capture the moment. It will be a great way to start your vacation video or photo book with a few snaps of the reveal that came before it.

What is the best reveal you’ve enjoyed being a part of?

The post Planning the Ultimate Disney Vacation Reveal first appeared on DIS.