What’s Your First Stop In Disney’s Animal Kingdom?

We often talk about what attractions we prefer to start our Disney days within Magic Kingdom; there are so many different ways to get started. However, today I wanted to have a little meeting of the minds about where our DIS community likes to start their time in Disney’s Animal Kingdom. There are a few different schools of thought when it comes to this one, and I am curious to see what you all think is the correct answer. Personally, I’ve never had a way when it comes to this park. I tend to always gravitate towards Kilimanjaro Safaris simply because I love that attraction, and I am impatient, but not through any sort of well-thought-out logic of it being the best place to begin. Let’s look at three common starting points that guests like to start with, and you can tell me your thoughts from there:

Do you start in Pandora – The World of Avatar, for Flight of Passage?

If you plan on riding Avatar Flight of Passage in Pandora – The World of Avatar, then it makes sense that you might take your rope-drop opportunity to start the day in this area. Not only is it beautiful, but your time will be well spent getting ahead of the substantial line notoriously associated with this attraction.

Would you begin in Asia with Expedition Everest?

Another E-Ticket attraction, Expedition Everest in Asia, is another good starting point, again for the crowds that will flock to this area shortly after opening. However, there is a downside to adding this attraction so early in the day; if you have just eaten breakfast, it might not be the best idea to jump straight on a backward-moving rollercoaster.

Do you head to Africa for Kilimanjaro Safari?

Africa is a popular destination to start your time in this Disney theme park, not only for Kilimanjaro Safaris, where the animals tend to be more active before the day gets too hot, but also for the Festival of the Lion King! The Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail is also a great attraction to enjoy early before the Orlando summer makes it too uncomfortable.

Where you start can not only determine how successful your whole day feels, but it can change how you view your surroundings. Each of these areas has incredible detail built into every view, much of which is easily missed when the crowds pack in and obstruct the view. Perhaps rotating your starting point with each visit would be the way to go, giving up a traditional routine and instead getting the most out of each section, exposing yourself to the beautiful, raw environment before the rush of crowds decent. Let me know your thoughts.

The post What’s Your First Stop In Disney’s Animal Kingdom? first appeared on DIS.