CFTOD Administrator Glen Gilzean Resigns From Ethics Commission

According to WESH news, Glen Gilzean, an administrator of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD), has resigned from the Florida Ethics Commission to keep his $400k/year employment with the CTFOD.

Last week, we reported the apparent conflict of interest as Florida law does not permit public employees to serve on a government watchdog panel. In 2019, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appointed Gilzean to the Ethics Commission and has re-appointed Gilzean since. It remains unclear why the Governor was unaware of the conflict.

In their story, WESH 2 News states that they have a copy of Gilzean’s letter of resignation and quotes it in part:

It recently came to my attention that my position as District Administrator of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District may not be compatible with my position as a member and Chairman of the Florida Commission on Ethics. After reviewing the matter with legal counsel, I have decided that prudence dictates that I discontinue serving in one of the two positions. Therefore, I respectfully tender my resignation from the Florida Commission on Ethics, effective immediately.

Glen Gilzean

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