REVIEW: This Sandwich At Disney World’s Contempo Cafe Is MESSY. HEAVENLY. PERFECTION.

Theme park food is good and all, but sometimes you just need a break from the popcorn, pretzels, and chicken tenders. 

Sometimes, Mickey Pretzels and Plastic Cheese just don’t cut it! (Rare but true)

Magic Kingdom is one of those parks where it can seem that typical theme park food is the ONLY option available. Magic Kingdom isn’t exactly known for its gourmet cuisine, so one thing we recommend to Magic Kingdom visitors who are looking for a quick bite to eat that’s a bit tastier than the quick service options in the park is to venture beyond the gates and to the Monorail Resorts. Those looking for delicious sandwiches are pointed in the direction of Disney’s Contemporary Resort. Today, we’re reviewing a new sandwich that you can find there. Let’s go! 

Located just a short walk away from Magic Kingdom’s Entrance is the Contemporary, which boasts one of our favorite quick service eateries on property — Contempo Cafe. Here, you can indulge in an impressive variety of sandwiches, flatbreads, small bites, and even a few desserts.

Contempo Cafe

Today, we’re heading to Contempo Cafe to try out the Barbecued Beef and Cheddar Sub, which  is Barbecued Beef, White Cheddar, and Country Slaw on a Baguette for $12.99. Y’all, we were impressed from the moment this was placed into our hands. LOOK AT IT. This sammie came LOADED with lots of slaw, sauce, and of course — these fries came piping hot. 


Before we even tried this, we realized that this sub is messy and MEATY. We were genuinely shocked by the amount of beef in this, especially for the price. The large amount of slaw is also interesting, but we’ll see if it enhances the taste at all before we diss on that.

Holy SLAW.

So, it’s time to taste. First thoughts? BARBECUE SAUCE. Holy wow, it was so sweet and delicious, despite there being a LOT of it. At the same time, there is a lot of beef on this sandwich, so it makes sense. The cheddar flavor is definitely there, but compared to how much beef and slaw there is, it doesn’t come through a whole lot. 

A beef and sauce shot!

Now, we can talk about the slaw. It’s fresh, crunchy, slightly sweet, and it WORKS. We really thought that it was going to be too overwhelming. Combined with the sweet barbecue sauce and all that meat, it really balances out the dish well and provides a fresh crunch and flavor that we appreciate.

It’s so good, y’all!

As for the bread, we LOVED it. It’s soft with a crispy exterior, just like a good baguette should be. It was easy to bite off and chew, and it paired well with this type of sandwich. Oh, and those fries? Piping hot and perfectly salted. A great choice to accompany the sammie.

It’s so good!

If there was one thing we could change about this sandwich, we’re going to be a bit picky about the beef. It was tender. It was delicious. However, it would have been even better on this sandwich if it had a bit more of a developed flavor — maybe if it had a saltier, smokier flavor to accompany the sweet barbecue sauce.

If the flavor of the beef was just a liiiiiittle more developed, this would be a perfect sandwich.

So… Should YOU try the Barbecued Beef and Cheddar Sub? Well, if you love barbecue sauce, have a big appetite after your trek around the park, and don’t mind a messier meal, then this is the sandwich for you. If you’re looking for something light, on the other hand, maybe skip this one. You should also probably choose something else if you don’t like slaw.


We’ll continue to keep you updated with more Disney news, reviews, and advice, so make sure to follow along so that you’re always in the loop and NEVER hungry.

Looking for more delicious things we’ve had in the parks lately? Click here! 

Would YOU try this sandwich? Let us know in the comments! 

The post REVIEW: This Sandwich At Disney World’s Contempo Cafe Is MESSY. HEAVENLY. PERFECTION. first appeared on the disney food blog.