5 Essential Disney Springs Meals

The Disney World parks and hotels get a lot of the hype when it comes to delicious meals.

Disney Springs

However, some of our most favorite eats can be found at Disney Springs! Some folks don’t venture over to this shopping and dining district, but we can’t recommend it enough! To help you out a bit, we’re here to share some of our favorite dining options with you.

Alright, without further ado, here are 5 of our ESSENTIAL Disney Springs meals!

Mac and Cheese Bites at Wine Bar George

Ok, y’all. These are technically an appetizer. However, we all know that appetizers sometimes make the very best meals.

Mac and Cheese Bites

These Mac and Cheese Bites are just fried, crispy globs of gooey macaroni and cheese. They’re also served in a pool of marinara sauce. We described that in a very unappetizing way, but these bad boys make one of our favorite meals when accompanied by a nice glass of wine.

Thigh High Chicken Biscuits at Homecomin’

Homecomin’ is one of our favorite restaurants at Disney World, no matter what we grab off the menu. However, one of our MOST favorites is the Thigh High Chicken Biscuit meal.

Thigh High Chicken Biscuits

It’s fried, boneless deliciousness served atop three buttermilk biscuits with some bread and butter pickles and hot honey sauce. It’s delicious and perfect if you’re seeking some good ol’ southern comfort.

Donut Burger at Everglazed Donuts and Cold Brew

Okay — do not be thrown off by the words donut and burger in the same sentence. This sandwich at Everglazed totally WORKS. It’s just like a regular burger, but instead of a bun, it’s a glazed donut that’s been chopped right down the middle.


The sweetness of the donut absolutely works with the savory flavors of the beef and cheese, and it’s great to eat while walking around Disney Springs.

Chicken Tenders at Chicken Guy! 

We don’t judge picky eaters around here. If all you’re wanting is some good ol’ chicken tendies and fries, we’ll meet you at Chicken Guy! in Disney Springs.

YUM. Look at all the sauces!

These chicken tenders are perfectly crispy, yet tender on the inside, and can be dipped in the 22 different sauces that the quick service eatery has on deck. Oh, and the fries here are good, so that’s a bonus.

Slider Trio from The Polite Pig

For the last one, we’re talking about another meal that’s technically an appetizer. The Slider Trio comes with three sliders: Southern Pig, Low and Slow Brisket, and Fried Chicken.

Polite Pig – Flavors of Florida

The Polite Pig is a restaurant where nearly everything on the menu is great, and these sliders are a great way to sample EVERYTHING. You’ll get to try pork, beef, and chicken on these sliders, and it’s a great way to have all three if you can’t decide on one or the other.

And there you have it! We’ll continue to keep y’all in the loop when it comes to all things delicious in the Disney Parks, so make sure to follow along so that you never miss a thing.

Click here for more Disney Springs restaurants we love!

Would you try any of these Disney Springs meals? Let us know in the comments!

The post 5 Essential Disney Springs Meals first appeared on the disney food blog.