REVIEW: Did We Just Find GOOD PIZZA in Magic Kingdom?!

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again. (And we’ll keep sayin’ it ’til something changes!)

Pinocchio Village Haus

Magic Kingdom is just not on the tippy top of our list of favorite Disney Parks to grab food from. We apologize to all the Magic Kingdom food lovers of the world. The food here is okay, it’s not horrible, but it’s really just a bit bland. One of the top dining choices in Magic Kingdom (but what we’ve referred to in the past as a sad story for pizza everywhere) is Pinocchio Village Haus. Located right next to “it’s a small world,” this eatery serves up Italian food, flatbreads, and salads. We’re braving it and headed there again today to try something we’ve never had before, and of course — review it for you all.

The Buffalo Chicken Flatbread is available at Pinocchio Village Haus for $12.79. It’s a flatbread that’s been topped with shredded cheese, chicken, and of course — buffalo sauce. Not even gonna lie, y’all, we were nervous to try this. This situation could go really well or really horribly. When we first received the food it definitely didn’t look appetizing.

Buffalo Chicken Flatbread

But then again — how much can we expect from a quick service pizza joint in a theme park? We took a deep breath and found our seat so that we could try out this flatbread. Unbiased. Forgetting the ways we were hurt in the past.


We’re being dramatic. Once we were where we could properly see our food it looked fine. We could see that the chicken looks nicely cooked, and that the buffalo sauce looked much less like runny strawberry jelly. It looks like a pretty solid slice of flatbread!

Okay, now we’re talking!

After we took a bite of this pizza, we promptly put our foot in our mouth along with it. This pizza is the perfect choice for someone seeking a good, quick flatbread option — especially if you enjoy some SPICE. It reminded us of that guilty pleasure school cafeteria pizza from back in the day. The cheese was perfectly melty and stringy and definitely complimented the flavor of both the chicken AND the buffalo sauce — as buffalo sauce tends to kind of have that acidic flavor.

Close up

The chicken was perfectly tender and easy to bite through. It wasn’t chewy or dry at all. The spice of the buffalo isn’t noticeable in every single bite, so we almost wish that there was MORE of it.

Another pic from before we absolutely destroyed this pizza… because it was that GOOD.

So… should you go to Pinocchio’s and try this? Well, if you love flatbreads, chicken, and miss that old school cafeteria pizza, you’ll probably like this. However, if you don’t like buffalo, steer clear, even though it isn’t present in every bite. You could honestly request the buffalo sauce on the side so that you can avoid it completely or experiment at your own pace with the spice. Before we wrap up, it’s safe to say that this pizza has redeemed all pizzas everywhere since our last review. Yay!

Pinocchio Village Haus

We’ll continue to keep you all up to date with more news, reviews, and updates. Make sure to follow along so that you’re always in the loop!

Looking for more snacks we’ve tried recently at Disney World? Click here! 

Would you try this Buffalo Chicken Flatbread? Let us know in the comments! 

The post REVIEW: Did We Just Find GOOD PIZZA in Magic Kingdom?! first appeared on the disney food blog.