Tell Us Where To Find the Best Walt Disney World Burger

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about Disney food over the years. Quick service, table service, festivals, and special events, there are a lot of options to be had that deserve discussion. However, being a no-fuss type of Saturday, I wanted to break it down and talk about something very specific: burgers.

Now, while I don’t have them too often, I love a good burger. It’s one of those things that a decent one will do the job, but an extraordinary one can blow your mind. A friend of mine asked me for some Disney advice a few weeks ago, and during our hour-long lunch of trading notes (that I had and she needed), she asked me a question that I didn’t have the answer to. ‘Where can I find the best burger in Walt Disney World?‘ I’m thinking, I know this; surely I know this. Is it possible I don’t know this? I try to keep food on the lighter side when I travel as I already know ahead of time that my tendency is to overindulge in more of that tempting deliciousness than usual. But is it possible that my burger experience does not have an adequate sample size to draw a conclusion from?

After a few seconds of a vacant expression, poised in disbelief that I was stumped, I answered: Leave it with me! And that is where I am coming to you, my friends. Over the years, I have had a few, as you can imagine, though mainly in Disneyland rather than Walt Disney World. Even so, I need your help to answer this question. Where is the best burger in all of Walt Disney World? I want details. What is it, where did it come from, and what made it so good? I want it all. Beef, chicken, or tofu; Parks, Resorts, or Disney Springs; help me answer this question for my friend and her burger-loving family.