PHOTOS: China, Italy, Japan, and U.K. Pavilions in EPCOT Get Ready for New Year’s Eve Dance Parties

World Showcase at EPCOT is gearing up for New Year’s Eve celebrations on December 31, 2023. We previously saw trusses and towers in the Italy and U.K. Pavilions. Now China and Japan are preparing to host dance parties.

China Pavilion

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A circle of scaffolding is just beyond the entrance to the China Pavilion.

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The lower halves of the scaffold columns are wrapped in red and gold themed scrim.

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Past the circle, two more archways support a large Chinese dragon.

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The dragon is made of red panels on curved scaffolding sections.

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The China Pavilion usually has a dragon decoration for New Year’s Eve celebrations as they are associated with the Lunar New Year, but the upcoming year also happens to be the Year of the Dragon.

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Italy Pavilion

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More lights have been installed on the trusses in the Italy Pavilion.

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Japan Pavilion

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There are now scaffolding towers throughout the Japan Pavilion.

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There are lights mounted on the tops of the towers, which sit in temporary planters.

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The planters are decorated with images of bonsai trees and Japanese characters.

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U.K. Pavilion

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Platforms with stairs have been erected beneath the archways in the U.K. Pavilion gardens.

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Another support structure with what are presumably lights covered by tarps sits behind a hedge wall.

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There are lights on the archways, too.

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The platforms imply there will be performers in those spots.

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Will you be celebrating New Year’s Eve at EPCOT? Let us know in the comments.

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