I Was a Disney World Cast Member. Here Are 7 of My Biggest REGRETS.

Working at Disney World is an unforgettable experience filled with MANY highs. However, like with any job, you can experience some lows and regrets.

Cinderella Castle

Being a Cast Member at Disney World can truly open you up to a world of Disney most people never get to see. From knowing all the ride secrets to filling our brains with an endless amount of Disney Parks know-how, Cast Members have a wealth of Disney knowledge that goes unmatched. With that said, like everyone else, Disney World Cast Members are still susceptible to having regrets once leaving the most Magical Place on Earth.

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Don’t get us wrong, being a Cast Member at Disney World is a truly remarkable experience! It’s when we don’t appreciate the uniqueness and plethora of opportunity that regret can set in. In fact, seven regrets especially stand out when reminiscing about the days of yore as a cast member.

Not Networking More and Building Relationships With Other Cast Members

While Cast Members have a lot of daily interaction with park guests, what you don’t see too often is our interactions with one another. A big regret we have is not networking more and building these relationships.

Cast Members

From not strengthening our working relationships with our leaders to not spending more time with fellow Cast Members during off hours, sometimes we wish we did more to create stronger work bonds and friendships. Working at Disney World is extra special in that it allows the opportunity to really connect with amazing people. This is also the best and easiest way to make important connections if you are looking to move up in the company. Disney even hosts a few networking events so that College Program Cast Members have the opportunity to meet and interact with other people throughout the company.

Not Taking More Photos in Costume

Ok, truth time — Cast Member costumes aren’t always the most comfortable or aesthetically pleasing. It’s safe to say not all Cast Member costumes are created equal, as some are preferable to others.

Cast Members are the best!

With that said, we wish we had taken more photos in the costumes for the sake of memory. The opportunity to wear a Disney World costume is super rare and it should be appreciated in the long run — even if we couldn’t wait to change once our shifts ended!

Not Taking Advantage of Discounts

To quote Andy Bernard from NBC’s The Office, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”

Let’s go shopping!

At least that’s what our bank accounts told us after we left our Disney jobs. Being a Disney World Cast Member comes with discount perks and we wish we would’ve used them more. Making purchases at Disney World and getting merchandise seems much more financially daunting than it did when we worked at the parks, and, in hindsight, it may have been more beneficial to use that Disney discount much more frequently.

Not Doing More Disney Staycations and Experiences

Tying into our regret about not using discounts, we wish we had done more staycations and Disney experiences. Working at Disney World gave us more access to the parks than literally anyone else in the world and being a Cast Member allowed for some exclusive backstage experiences like WALKING the Haunted Mansion before the parks opened.

Back Stage Pass Ornament

Seriously, how cool is it that Disney World Cast Members can just go to Disney World on an off day without the hassle of booking a vacation? After leaving Disney and seeing how expensive everything can get, we can’t help but long for just one extra day of park access or a cheaper and easier way to do some of those special Disney World experiences. Cast Members also get discounted hotel stays, so we will we would have stayed at a few more resorts during our time!

Not Taking Advantage of Different Cast Member Offerings and Programs

Sometimes a job is more than “just a job”. At Disney World, Cast Members are offered special programs like Disney VoluntEARS and special Disney themed classes for College Program Cast Members.

Disney VoluntEARS Volunteers


We regret not fully taking advantage of some of these Disney programs while lending our time and talents to other aspects of the company. Expanding your horizons is always a benefit and we recommend seizing opportunity when it is presented.

Not Enjoying the Experience More

Cast Members GET TO WORK AT DISNEY WORLD! It’s actually really incredible when you stop and think about it. We wish we had given into the experience more, enjoying all the “magic” Disney World has to offer.

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train

Whether it be enjoying the parks before and after shifts, eating at new restaurants, or simply exploring the area, there is so much to do at Disney World when you’re off the clock. Trust us, we still spent plenty of time in the parks during our off hours but we could’ve always done more. Fortunately, since we cover Disney World we still get to experience everything the Disney World Resort has to offer, so this regret isn’t a backbreaker and has allowed us to appreciate just how unique and incredible Disney World can be.

Not Going to the Parks Alone

It may seem strange to suggest going to the Disney Parks alone, but that’s exactly what we wish we did more of! As Disney World reporters now, we’ve gotten used to going to the parks alone and it can actually be a very relaxing experience.

Single rider line is back at Soarin’!

When you live nearby, going to Disney World doesn’t have to be a whole “big thing” and going alone also makes it easier to jump into single rider lines.  There are actually A TON of reasons why going to Disney World alone is a great idea, and you can read about some of those reasons below!

11 Reasons It’s Not WEIRD to Go to Disney World ALONE

There you have it! Luckily our regrets haven’t stalled our passion for Disney World and we’ll continue to share that passion with you EVERY SINGLE DAY. Be sure to follow us for all things Disney World right here at DFB!

This Disney World Cast Member Story Will Melt Your Heart. We Promise.

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Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned pro, our insider tips and tricks will have you exploring the parks like never before. So come along with us, and get planning your most magical vacation ever!

Are you a former Disney World Cast Member with regrets? Share your experiences with us below in the comments!

The post I Was a Disney World Cast Member. Here Are 7 of My Biggest REGRETS. first appeared on the disney food blog.