REVIEW: Disney World’s Newest Popcorn Treat Is NOT For the Weak 😤

No trip to Disney World is complete without a sweet treat. That’s a rule. (And also a great rhyme.)

The Confectionery

One of our favorite places to grab a treat is at the iconic Main Street Confectionery in Magic Kingdom. Here, you can choose from a seemingly endless array of treats, from popular Mars Wrigley candies, to crisped rice treats, to cupcakes, cookies, marshmallow pops, and MORE. One of our favorite things to do here, though, is visit the Kernel Kitchen popcorn station at the very back of the shop. Cast Members will allow you to customize a bowl of popcorn with candies and syrups, and you can even opt for one of Disney’s popcorn mixes. They make it right in front of you, and it’s pretty cool. There’s a new popcorn mix that’s up for grabs right now, and we’re headed to check it out.

The Sweetheart Popcorn Mix is available for a limited time at the Kernel Kitchen for $13.99. This Valentine’s Day-inspired treat consists of strawberry-flavored candy popcorn, M&Ms, crushed chocolate cookies, mini marshmallows, dark chocolate drizzle, and a white chocolate drizzle. Woah. If you have a sweet tooth, it sounds like this mix will kick it.

Sweetheart Popcorn Mix

As we were watching them prepare our snack, we were starting to get a little iffy about the strawberry popcorn. We’re all for a sweet and salty combination, but strawberry? This should be interesting.

There it is!

When your popcorn is finished being prepared, the Cast Members will give it to you in a take-away bowl that has a lid. This is super helpful, because you can save it for later if you don’t finish it.

You can pop it in your bag and call it a day

This popcorn sure looks pretty, but how will it taste?

It’s beeeeeautiful

HOLY MOLY. This popcorn mix is SWEET. We enjoyed ours after we’d been walking around in the sun for a bit, so the chocolate and marshmallows had gotten all melty and gooey. The taste of the mix itself reminded us a lot of a s’more with a tiiiiiny hint of strawberry in the middle. It totally works, but brace yourselves: it’s VERY sweet.

Yum! It’s like a strawberry s’more!

We don’t mind that it’s super sweet, though, because that just means that we can snack on it all day long. It was nice to grab a bite of it here and there for a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ throughout the morning. 

You can snack on it all day

We’d totally recommend this to anyone who loves a sweet and salty combination, wants a fun snack for Valentine’s Day, and loves to combine different snacks to get a ton of different flavors and textures in there. We have some advice, though. Grab a napkin or a wipe. This stuff is MESSY.

It’s messy!

Plus, you’re honestly getting quite a bit of goodies for the price. It’s a win for us, as long as you have a sweet tooth. We’ll be sure to keep you updated with more Disney news and advice, so make sure to follow along so that you never miss a thing.

Looking for even MORE Disney World snacks for Valentine’s Day? Click here! 

Would you get this popcorn mix? Let us know in the comments! 

The post REVIEW: Disney World’s Newest Popcorn Treat Is NOT For the Weak 😤 first appeared on the disney food blog.