7 Things Your Disney World Bus Driver Wants To Tell You But Won’t Cause They’re Too Nice

Getting around Disney World using its modes of transportation might sometimes feel like it requires certification of its own. Knowing all the ins and outs of when to take the bus, the ferryboat, the monorail, or even when it’s most advantageous to call for a Minnie Van, can feel like it’s all too much to someone who’s not as well versed.


Now imagine being the bus drivers of these buses shuttling folks to and from the Disney World hotels, parks, and Disney Springs. If you’ve ever asked yourself what else they might want to tell you, we’ve come up with a list that might help spark a conversation or two on your next trip!

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We bet there are tons of things that Disney World bus drivers would like to tell folks who board their buses day in and day out. Most of which probably are short and sweet, but we’re pretty confident that there are a few they wouldn’t mind the masses knowing.

The bus is here!

If you’re planning a Disney World Vacation soon that might involve you spending some time on a bus to and from your destinations during your vacation, there are a few things we think you outta know in advance.

They Hear It ALL!

It’s true — the good, bad, and the ugly. They’re silently celebrating along with you as you look fondly over the pictures you just took or recount your plans as you arrive for the day. They’re also probably blaming the heat and exhaustion for the massive blow-up between your family as you were boarding and trying to fit everyone inside.


That also means they’ve heard about all the strange, unusual, and typically TMI things you probably wouldn’t just come right out and tell a public stranger. But don’t worry, they’re not here to judge — but what you’ve just verbalized might make them want to chuckle to themselves a bit.

Your Stroller Might Not Make It

They see you strategizing, turning, and yanking on that stroller that JUST won’t budge. And believe us when we say, they’re pretty good at spotting this a mile away by now. Your bus driver probably won’t say much in the way to add to your frustrations of getting the stroller to fit long enough to lug it up the short steps and turn to move it just enough out of the way, but if they do — heed their sage advice!

Crowds boarding the bus at the TTC

They’ve been around long enough to pick up a few tips and tricks along the way that could help salvage your sanity and save you unnecessary trouble throughout the remainder of your visit.

You Probably Should Have Thought That Souvenir Purchase Through First

You know that super cute balloon you just HAD to get for your little one? Is it still just as cute when it’s bopping you in the face on the bus? Trust us when we say there are a few souvenirs they’re going to wish you’d thought on just a little bit harder before purchasing!

Disney World balloons

This goes for lots of things, though! Light-up spinning toys, pesky floating balloons, and those ever-cherished musical bubble wands (you know, the kind that starts the song ALL over again when you let go of the button and press it again), are all purchases that (if asked) your bus driver could have a few tips for stowing until you reached your destination, or advised you to wait until your last day to purchase.

You Might Not Always Know What’s Closest… & That’s OK

This might not apply to everyone — but it’s definitely an “if you know, you KNOW” situation. Sometimes, Disney World hotels are just so large, that your arriving bus may make several stops around your hotel. Trust us when we say we’ve been here before and we were SOOOO tempted to step off, get out of the crowded bus, and start our trek back to our room, BUT, we’re telling you there’s nothing wrong with waiting for something closer.

A Saratoga Springs Treehouse Villa

It’s tempting to think you’re “close enough” or just be so exhausted you want to get your walk over with and misjudge the distance. Our best advice here is to ask your bus driver about which stop is closest to your building, shortening your walk back to your room for the evening.

No, They Can’t Just Stop Right Here For You

Ok seriously — this shouldn’t even be a thing but it’s something we hear asked of Disney World bus drivers ALL THE TIME! The short answer is no, they can’t just drop you off at a destination of your choice that’s different from its intended destination.

Crowded bus

Disney World bus drivers are given specific instructions to only depart and arrive at their predetermined destinations. So while it’s very close to the hotel where your dining reservation is located, they HAVE to drop you off at the intended Disney World park at the designated bus station.

Is The Bus Really Your Best Choice?

You might think you know your way around Disney World, but there’s a chance you might not know it as well as you thought you did.


If you were to ask your bus driver, they might tell you that based on your destination, you’ll make better time taking a different mode of transportation like the monorail, skyliner, or boat.

General Courtesy Rules

It should go without saying, but when at Disney World, there are TONS of folks who let general courtesy fall to the wayside.

Everyone on?

If you’re boarding a Disney World bus, it’s always understood that everyone should continue to follow Disney World rules, regulations, policies, and transportation guidelines for health and safety. Allowing your kids to run amuck up and down the aisleway isn’t a great idea, let alone while the bus is in motion. And, while it’s not a rule, it’s still a nice gesture to offer your seat if you’re in good health to those who might appreciate it more like the elderly, disabled, and those who are pregnant or with smaller (probably sleeping) children in their arms. It’s typically not as safe for these folks to be standing while on the buses, and will score you big brownie points with your bus driver if the situation ever calls for a quick switcheroo!

We always keep track of all the ways you can get around Disney World. Be sure to stay tuned with us at Disney Food Blog for all the latest news, changes, and more!

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Oh boy, planning a Disney trip can be quite the adventure, and we totally get it! But fear not, dear friends, we compiled EVERYTHING you need (and the things to avoid!) to plan the ULTIMATE Disney vacation.

Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned pro, our insider tips and tricks will have you exploring the parks like never before. So come along with us, and get planning your most magical vacation ever!

What else do you think we should have included in this list? Tell us in the comments below!

The post 7 Things Your Disney World Bus Driver Wants To Tell You But Won’t Cause They’re Too Nice first appeared on the disney food blog.