Disney Imagineering Filed a Permit for Minor Enhancements Near Spaceship Earth in EPCOT!

Ah EPCOT, you ever-changing park of progress.


We’re always keeping a sharp eye out for work being done in Disney’s biggest work-in-progress park and that means looking at a LOT of the building permits that the company is filing. We’re able to spot crazy new inventions and interesting construction projects this way, and today we spotted a new permit for a project NEAR Spaceship Earth! Hmm…

The new building permit was filed to “Install east support facility graphics.” The East Support Facility is the building to the left of Spaceship Earth when you walk in. For guests, it features the Stroller Rental location, Gateway Gifts, and a restroom.

Permit Screenshot

The permit was filed by Walt Disney Imagineering which usually means it’s some sort of guest-facing change to the park. We’re not sure, but this could mean we see new graphics in one of these areas soon! Perhaps they’ll have something to do with the EPCOT Transformation.

Gateway Gifts

We’ll be on the lookout for any construction barriers or changes in this area, so stay tuned to DFB! We’ll let you know the deal with these new graphics as soon as we do!

Click here to see what else we’ve found from Disney’s files!

What do you think these new graphics are? Tell us in the comments!