The 10 Best Ways to Be Extra Careful in Disney World Right Now.

On top of washing your hands frequently, using the hand sanitizer stations, and keeping those masks on, there are even MORE ways to be extra cautious when visiting the theme parks.

Cinderella Castle

Here are our top ten recommendations to keep in mind when exercising caution in Disney World during this very strange time!

Don’t let your guard down just because you’re in Disney World.

Disney has a reputation for being one of the safest places to visit under normal circumstances, and they have certainly made every effort to keep that accolade during these unprecedented times. That said, it’s important to go into your Disney World vacation with a careful mindset.

Health and Safety Signage

Disney World is doing A LOT to make sure you and your travel party stay safe, but that doesn’t mean you can let your guard down.

Health Signage

Keep in mind the basic essentials when visiting Disney World: keep your mask on, wash and sanitize your hands frequently, and practice physical distancing everywhere you go.

Is Disney World safe to visit right now? Read our thoughts here!

Take advantage of the new protocols Disney has put in place.

Disney has added a lot of NEW features to make guests feel even safer and to promote physical distancing. There is ample signage throughout the parks and resorts to remind guests of the new policies in place, and Cast Members are ready to answer any questions you may have.

Cast Member

There are also those new handwashing and sanitizer stations EVERYWHERE! You should have no problem finding easy access to either a hand washing station or a hand sanitizer dispenser when you are in the parks.

Hand-washing Station

Disney is also pushing guests to use Mobile Order as well as the new Mobile Dine Check-In to limit the amount of contact you have with a Cast Member when you are dining. Digital menus are prevalent throughout the resort as well.

Learn more about Mobile Dine Check-In here!

Consider designating someone in your party to be the “designated safety friend.”

In the same way businesses are often delegating an employee to be the resident expert in all things safety these days, it may be a good idea to pick someone in your party to be responsible for checking on everyone throughout the day.

A family walking right down the middle of Main Street, U.S.A.

This role could take on several responsibilities, whether that’s making sure your hand sanitizer is packed in your park bag and your face masks are clean each night, or learning where all the Relaxation Stations are.

This person can also be the one to remind everyone in your party to stay hydrated. We’ve found our masks make it trickier to remember to drink water throughout the day!

Relaxation Station

And if you plan on enjoying adult beverages, a designated safety friend could REALLY come in handy. It’s shocking how easy it is to forget to sanitize or to practice social distancing if you’ve had a few cocktails, so in the same way you have a designated driver, have a designated safety friend who’s not drinking and helps everyone stay safe when their guards are down!

Wondering where all of those Relaxation Stations are? Learn more here!

Bring a thermometer and check your temperature before leaving your hotel room.

Currently, Disney World is checking everyone’s temperature when entering the theme parks, Disney Springs, or the table service restaurants at the resort hotels. Guests with a temperature that reads 100.4 degrees and above may not enter that area — if fact, their whole party will be denied entry.

Temperature Checks at the Polynesian Resort

It may be a good idea to bring a thermometer with you in your suitcase and check everyone’s temperature first thing in the morning before heading out of your hotel room. This could end up saving a ton of time if anyone has a fever. If someone does have a high temperature, check again in a few minutes, and in the meantime have that person drink some water or try to cool down.

Temperature Checks

Note that you DO get a second chance to check your temperature if it registers too high after having a moment to cool down, but the LAST thing you want to experience is being turned away at the gate because someone’s temperature is over the limit. Not because you won’t be able to get into Disney World, but because if they are sick, they could have infected others during the day.

Click here to learn more about all things temperature screening at Disney World

Disinfect your personal belongings frequently.

We all know about washing and sanitizing our hands, but there are lots of other personal items that you touch countless times each day that you should clean frequently!

Disney Parks Print Clutch

This includes your cell phone, sunglasses, MagicBand, handheld fans, wallet, or anything that you touch multiple times throughout the day (don’t forget those park bags too!).

Americana MagicBand

You’ll also want to make sure you are cleaning those cloth masks with soap and water if you plan on using them more than once! Pack some disposable sanitizing wipes or a can of disinfectant to give your belongings a quick once over each evening when you return to your room.

We definitely like the added sense of cleanliness in everything we do at a reopened Disney World! See what other changes we prefer more NOW here!

Double down on sanitizing your hotel room.

Disney World is committed to your safety, and there are added cleaning protocols in each and every hotel room. That said, you may feel more comfortable if you take matters into your own hands and double down on sanitizing your room.

Bay Lake Tower

Again, here’s where those disinfecting wipes come in handy so bring them along in your suitcase! Wipe down any high touch surfaces in your room, such as the sink, your room phone, light switches, or doorknobs.

Read more tips here on how to keep your hotel room EXTRA clean here!

Bring travel size disinfecting wipes to the parks.

Just like wipes can come in handy to disinfect your hotel room, travel size wipes are the newest park essential! Throw a pack in your park bag and wipe down tables before you dine at any snack or counter service dining location.

Wipes handed out at Wine Bar George

Travel wipes are a quick and easy way to disinfect your hands, too! If you are far from a handwashing station or restroom, or you aren’t particularly fond of the sanitizer used in the parks, having your own wipes or sanitizer will provide added convenience.

Check out the NEW park essentials you’ll need at a reopened Disney World here!

Bring at least 1-2 extra masks with you PER DAY.

You’ll already have a face mask on when you leave your hotel room each morning, but you will definitely want to pack one or two extra masks EACH day in your park bagYour face mask will be on for the VAST majority of the day, so you’ll want to make sure you pack extras in case it gets wet, you lose a mask, or other accidents happen.

Disney Cloth Face Masks

According to the CDC, if your face mask gets wet, it should be replaced as it is no longer considered safe and may make it difficult to breathe.

Bubblegum Face Mask

Your mask may also go missing, like any other loose item! So you’ll want to make sure you have a healthy supply of comfortable face masks to bring with you. We’ve done a ton of research on what the comfiest face masks are to wear in the theme parks, so be sure to read up before you travel!

Rainbow Mickey Face Mask

Looking for new face masks? Our DFB store has tons of cute and fun patterns to choose from!

DFB branded Orange Bird Mask

Be sure to check out our shop for the latest selection and rep your love for DFB when you’re in the parks!

How many face masks should you pack in total? Read more here!

Dine outdoors.

The CDC still recommends dining outdoors over indoors when possible. They note that it is safer because of the added ventilation, so try to dine outdoors as much as possible if this is a concern for you and your travel party. 

Boathouse Outdoor Seating

When picking which dining locations you want to scope out on your next Disney World vacation, be sure to keep in mind whether the seating is primarily outdoors or indoors. Many counter service locations will offer both options, while many table service locations will be indoors. 

Plaza Outdoor Seating

There are also plenty of outdoor spots to scope out and dine at if you are visiting the Taste of EPCOT International Food and Wine Festival. Keep in mind that you must be stationary and physically distanced from others when you are dining.

Thinking of heading to Food and Wine this year? Check out our “Best of the Fest” here!

Or better yet, bring your own food.

If you are still a little uncomfortable with the idea of dining at Disney World, you can always bring your own food! Disney allows guests to bring their own food and beverages into the park as long as they avoid glass containers and alcohol, so consider stocking up on groceries when you arrive in Florida.

Groceries in a Disney Resort Gift Shop

You can also opt for pre-packaged snacks in the theme parks, like the Mickey Premium Bars or a bag of chips if you get hungry throughout the day. That way, only YOU are touching the food itself.

See what it’s like to dine in a reopened Disney World here!

There are many ways to add an extra layer of safety to your upcoming Disney World vacation. While you are only as safe as the others around you, you can definitely take several precautions as you travel and enjoy the theme parks.

Disney World is definitely learning as they go (so are we!), and in these unprecedented times, best practices may change frequently! So be sure to keep an eye on DFB as we continue to research the best tips and tricks for having a safe and FUN return to Disney World.

See how Disney World is breaking the theme park reopening mold here!

Have you been to Disney World yet since the theme parks reopened? What are YOUR top tips for staying safe when visiting Disney World? Let us know in the comments!