5 Disney Conspiracy Theories That Have Gone A Bit Off The Deep End…

Disney fans have been trying to solve a few very puzzling mysteries regarding some of Disney’s best-kept secrets!

Magic Kingdom

And while we can’t seem to make heads or tails of some of these outrageous ideas, we figured we’d tell you all about a few schools of thought that are floating around at the moment and let YOU be the judge!

First of all, one of the biggest conspiracies dates way back to Walt Disney’s untimely passing. As much as we hate to bring up such a sad subject it’s an important element in the first theory we’ll be discussing — so bear with us!

Conspiracy 1: Frozen Was a Cover-Up!

When Walt Disney passed away on December 15, 1966, the rumor mill started churnin’. Somehow, people got the rather odd notion that Walt had himself cryogenically frozen so that one day he could be brought back to life. There’s absolutely no evidence to support this claim and it’s a pretty upsetting subject for folks who love Disney to linger on.

From left to right: Donn Tatum, Card Walker, Harrison “Buzz” Price, John Kelsey, Thornton Ladd with Walt Disney © CalArts

But we mention it today because some fans have theorized the uber-popular movie Frozen had an ulterior motive. Sure Disney wanted it to become a smash box office hit, but the theory claims it served another purpose — burying the ugly gossip of Walt Disney’s supposed cryogenesis.

Think about it from this angle — Disney is intensely protective of their family-friendly brand and the company has borrowed a lot of its stories from classic fairy tales such as Pinocchio, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid — the list goes on and on. Frozen is based on a story by Hans Christian Anderson called, “The Snow Queen.” So why isn’t the movie called that?

©Disney Frozen

Many fans think Disney called the movie Frozen to divert attention from the cryogenesis tittle-tattle that had been circulating for decades by this point. Disney could have called the film anything, but they settled on Frozen. Now when you Google search the words “Frozen” and “Disney,” all you get is page after page of Anna, Elsa, and a singing snowman named Olaf! Even if it wasn’t done intentionally, Disney successfully buried the speculation that had been swirling around Walt Disney’s death.

Is Epcot’s Frozen Ever After dessert party worth its $100 price tag? Find out here!

Conspiracy 2: Could Anna, Elsa, and TARZAN Be Related?!?

Using Frozen as a touchpoint for our next Disney conspiracy, it seems MANY Disney characters might actually be blood relatives! Frozen co-director Chris Buck revealed during a Reddit Q & A that Anna and Elsa’s parents might have also had a son! Ah, hold up — we don’t remember Anna and Elsa having a BROTHER?!

Tarzan ©Disney

He also revealed the King and Queen of Arendelle, as well as their newborn “baby boy,” did not actually die after being shipwrecked. Instead, he stated they “washed up on the shore of a deserted island” and “BUILT A TREEHOUSE before being eaten by a leopard.” We could be wrong, but that sounds exactly like the plot to Disney’s Tarzan! 

Click here to check out our ultimate Disney song playlist!

Since Buck made these remarks before Frozen 2 came out in theaters, it’s pretty obvious he was joking, but to this day some fans still believe the rumor is TRUE!

Conspiracy 3: Is Jane the Great Great Great Grand-Daughter of Belle?

Tug on one thread and the whole thing starts to unravel! There’s also an interesting theory around that Jane from Tarzan and Belle from Beauty and the Beast are related! Both of them love to wear yellow dresses, have eccentric dads — they even look a great deal alike!

Beauty and the Beast ©Disney

Oh — and that tea set we see briefly at the camp before Turk destroys the place? It looks just like Mrs. Potts and Chip from Beauty and the Beast! But what if it doesn’t just LOOK like them — what if it IS THEM? Well, in that case, Jane would actually be related to the Beast and not Belle since he’s in possession of the tea set — but still…we’re talkin’ some serious “things that make you go hmm” territory here!

Did you know there’s a new Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along in Epcot? Learn more details here!

Conspiracy 4: Umm…Ariel and Hercules are Actually Cousins!

Oh, but it gets so much WEIRDER! Here’s one for you mythology buffs — Hercules’ father is Zeus; Zeus’ brother is Poseidon; Poseidon’s son is Triton; and Triton’s daughter is Ariel! That means Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Hercules are…like second cousins…or first cousins once removed…you genealogists can help us out here!

©Disney Hercules

Wanna go even further down the rabbit hole (wait, wrong movie!). King Triton was once married to Ariel’s mom the Queen and they had seven daughters — Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina, and of course, Ariel.

A live-action remake of Disney’s Hercules is in the works! Click here to read more!

©Disney The Little Mermaid

In The Little Mermaid prequels, we learn that the Queen was killed by humans, hence King Triton’s general hatred of them. But some people believe the Queen once lived in Neverland’s Mermaid Lagoon and was killed by…Captain Hook! All of this is based off of the red-haired mermaid seen briefly in Peter Pan — seems a bit fishy if you ask us!

Click here to check out the Betsey Johnson jewelry collection inspired by Disney’s The Little Mermaid!

Conspiracy 5: Mother Gothel IS The Evil Queen

The Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is one of the meanest Disney villains of them all! Not too many people we know shed a tear when she gets it at the end of the movie — or does she?

© Disney Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The Evil Queen bears a striking resemblance to Mother Gothel from Tangled. In fact, Mother Gothel even keeps a suspiciously familiar-looking dagger in her drawer! That’s lent many fans to suspect the Evil Queen didn’t actually die at the end of Snow White! Maybe she moved away and started a horrible new life instead!

Click here to find out where you can meet the Evil Queen at Disney World!

©Disney Tangled

When Mother Gothel turns old at the end of Tangled she looks a lot like the Old Hag who the Evil Queen portrayed herself as when tricking Snow White with the apple. Even if they’re not one and the same, they could definitely be sisters!

Now, before you get angry — like we said — these are all just stories that some Disney fans believe to varying degrees! We’re printing them as a bit of fun and a point of interest, but rest assured there are a LOT of people thinking a LOT about Disney characters out there… .

Click here to read 5 crazy cool facts we just learned about Disney World!

Do you believe in any unusual Disney conspiracy theories? Share them with us in the comments below!