9 Must Have Items From The 1988 Disney Spring/Summer Catalog

Today lets travel back to the magical year of 1988. Crocodile Dundee II is the fourth highest-grossing movie of the year. In music, Milli Vanilli releases their first single, Girl You Know It’s True. On the Disney side of things, the Disney Spring/Summer Catalog hits newsstands. While I’m almost 100% certain it’s not fondly remembered by anyone, there’s still some good stuff in here. Lets take a look at the must have items from the 1988 Disney Spring/Summer Catalog.

This cover is great but doesn’t scream 1980s yet. It also shows what a frugal guy Mickey is. He has all the money in the world but will still stop and pick wild flowers for him and Minnie’s picnic date.


Before we move on lets take a look at the top right corner of the cover. Only Disney could have gotten away charging TWO DOLLARS for 23 page catalog! Adjusted for inflation that’s $4.38.

#9 Mickey Brass Outdoor Faucet – Price $34.95

You don’t really see many licensed outdoor faucets these days (and believe me I’ve looked).

#8 Mickey Mouse Cutting Board – Price $24.95

This probably makes the most sense out of any Disney product ever. I’m shocked they still don’t sell these things.
#7 and #6 Mickey Mouse AM Radio and Mickey Mouse Calculator – Price $12.95 and $11.95

Look at that Mickey AM radio! It’s genius. But notice it just says AM, not AM/FM. What kid, even in the 80’s, would ever listen to AM radio?
True story about myself: I used to stay up late and listen to Coast to Coast AM using a Mickey radio similar to this when I was a kid and then proceed to have nightmares about all aliens Art Bell would talk about.
#5 Disney Home Videos (in VHS and BETA) – Price $14.95 to $74.95
#4 and #3 Aerobic Wear and Mousercise Record or Tape – Price $16.95-$18.95 and $7.95
Back in the 80’s it was mandatory that everyone who worked out must do so while looking like a total fool. That’s where this aerobic wear comes in. As for the Mousercise record, it contains classic songs such as “Ducks Dance Too.” You can view the infomercial on YouTube.
#2 and #1 Cool Mickey towel and kiddie pool – Price $17.95 and $28.95
On the 80’s-ness scale of 1 to 10, that towel is an 11. As for the pool take a look at the boats on the side. It says Jungle Cruise!
What’s your favorite item from this list? Let me know in the comments below.

The post 9 Must Have Items From The 1988 Disney Spring/Summer Catalog appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.