Our Ultimate Guide To Turkey Legs and EVERY Place To Get Them In Disney World

Everyone who’s been to Walt Disney World has probably seen them. Giant, meat-on-a-stick, Jumbo Disney Turkey Legs. And while Turkey legs aren’t our favorite Disney snack (far from it), we know that there are plenty of fans out there!

It’s a true park icon that’s been immortalized on Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind. That’s right! In the Galaxarium portion of the Guardians of the Galaxy queue, you might catch a glimpse of this iconic Disney snack.

Turkey Leg

In fact, we’ve even seen other SNACKS in the shape of turkey legs! We’re looking at you, Rice Krispie Treats.

Is It Turkey or Is It a Krispie??

And let’s not forget about the Turkey Leg merchandise!

Turkey leg baseball cap

Yes, the Jumbo Turkey Legs are ICONIC. This is the snack that makes you feel like a prehistoric caveman who somehow ended up in a theme park. If you enjoy feeling like you’re from the Mesozoic Era, grab one next time you smell that familiar smoky smell. This is THE snack that can easily feed two people!

Smokey, salty, juicy, and meaty, this snack isn’t just a snack — it’s a meal. You’ll definitely need to do some laps of the park to walk off the 1,000 calories you’ll take in with a turkey leg!

Turkey Leg

In fact, these are so big that many folks refuse to believe they’re actually from turkeys. Rumors have floated around that these are emu legs! But we’ve been assured that they are, truly, from your favorite Thanksgiving-time gobbler.

You can snag jumbo Turkey Legs at some spots around Disney World. So, if your Disney World trip isn’t complete without a handheld chunk of meat, here’s where you can find them:


Liberty Square Market

Liberty Square Market is one of the best places in Magic Kingdom to get a healthy snack. Be on the lookout, too, for a few theme park staples such as Turkey Legs, Mickey Pretzels, hot dogs, and Frozen Slush drinks!

Liberty Square Market

The infamous Disney World turkey legs have a bit of a cult following, with guests either loving or completely despising this larger-than-life serving of protein.

Ah, the turkey leg.

Turkey Legs are served here after 11AM.

Prince Eric’s Village Market

Prince Eric’s Village Market is located at the base of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train in Fantasyland, and it’s a great spot to grab a quick snack at any of time of the day.

Prince Eric’s Village Market

As you can see, Turkey Legs are HUGE. These snacks are easily shareable and could even serve as a meal for someone who’s looking for a salty, meaty, filling eat.

Turkey Leg

Flavor-wise, our leg was very, VERY smoky and meaty in the same way a fatty piece of bacon is. If you like super salty, meaty flavors, we could see how a Turkey Leg could be a go-to!

Sleepy Hollow Refreshments

Sleepy Hollow offers a variety of sweet treats and savory snacks served throughout the day.

Turkey Leg

In 2021, this spot began offering turkey legs after 7PM. However, we haven’t seen Turkey Legs pop up at Sleepy Hollow on Mobile Order in ages. Since they still appear on Disney’s online menu, we think this is just a reserve location that might offer them on occasion.

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Fife and Drum Tavern

The Fife and Drum is basically a permanent kiosk at the “outskirts” of the American Adventure pavilion.

Grab a snack at Fife & Drum Tavern

This spot seems to be a magnet for Disney food cult favorites as well as obscure, random items!

A Disney Turkey Leg In All Its Glory

Yes, Disney’s famous giant turkey legs can also be found here. Take your leg to a nearby bench overlooking the World Showcase Lagoon. If you’re lucky, it’ll be a nice day with a refreshing breeze.

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The Smokehouse at House of Blues

You’ll find The Smokehouse over on the West Side of Disney Springs. It’s the counter-service sister to the table-service House of Blues Restaurant.

The Smokehouse at the House of Blues

Although the seating is outside, you’ll be surrounded by trees and tunes that’ll make up for it.

A slow smoked turkey leg seasoned with House of Blues special spices is on the menu.

Turkey leg

If you’re a hungry carnivore, you’ll find a ton of meat on this MASSIVE leg. We think this is big enough to share, but if you like the salty flavor that is common with turkey legs, we won’t judge if you keep this all to yourself. Despite the saltiness, it does have a great smoky flavor!

Click here to see some things the DFB team would NEVER eat again.

Overall, we have to stand by our Turkey Leg stance — it’s not for us. But it IS for some people. After all, Disney World sells about 2 MILLION pounds of turkey from Turkey Legs in a year. No matter whether they are a must-eat or a hard-pass for you, there’s no denying that the Jumbo Turkey Legs served in the parks are truly iconic in the world of Disney EATS!
