What’s the Most Unexpectedly Awesome Thing You’ve Purchased at Disney?

After years of traveling, I’ve developed this theory that has never let me down. When you are always on the go, even the best-made plans are bound to go awry from time to time, often sending you in a completely different direction than you had anticipated. While it is easy to get upset when everything turns upside down, my experience has always led me to believe that something good comes from it. Whether it is a canceled flight or a change in plans due to weather, unexpected circumstances can always bring you to experience something different that you never otherwise would have.

Maybe it was a little shop that you took cover in when a storm rolled in that resulted in spending hours watching a craftsman create works of art, or perhaps a canceled reservation that introduced you to your new favorite quick service location that you have not yet tried. No matter what it is, there is opportunity in every side step we take. One year, it was snowing so heavily in Disneyland Paris that rides were closing, and we ended up stepping into a dining location nearby and learning to make cocktails with the cast member behind the bar. Unforgettable.

The same can be applied to the souvenirs we bring home from our travels. There is one occasion you may have heard me mention this story before. I will never forget one stay in Disneyland when my son and I were soaked on Splash Mountain. It was a winter’s day (with unusually cold Californian winter temperatures), and I was forced to buy myself a warm sweatshirt to stay in the park. I would have never otherwise bought such an expensive item at the time, and yet, it soon became one of my absolute favorite Disney purchases. Not only because it reminds me of the hilarity of that day but because it was a good quality item that has lasted me around ten years.

Today I am asking you for the most unexpectedly awesome thing you have ever purchased in a Disney Park. Tell me your stories, and let’s see how we’ve all discovered something wonderful in an unexpected way.

The post What’s the Most Unexpectedly Awesome Thing You’ve Purchased at Disney? first appeared on DIS.