Take a Tour of the Haunted Mansion With Rosario Dawson

One of my favorite attractions in all the Disney theme parks is the Haunted Mansion, and during July, this ride is getting a lot more love than usual, thanks to the upcoming release of the Haunted Mansion movie. It’s no secret that I am crossing the days off my calendar until I’ll be sitting in the theatre seeing this new take on an attraction-inspired story unfold. One of the aspects of this version that caught my eye (compared to the 2003 version starring Eddie Murphy) is the obvious creative direction to draw more of the attraction into the film. By weaving the scenes, characters, and feel of the famous attraction into the underlying storyline of the new movie, Disney is banking on our experiences from the parks to create a sense of familiarity and interest. And it’s working.

To get us through the next two weeks of impatiently waiting, Disney is feeding us everything from cute new merch to new clips of the movie that whet our appetite. We have a few of these tasty morsels to share with you today, starting with a Haunted Mansion Tour hosted by the film’s very own Rosario Dawson at the Walt Disney World Resort.

The post Take a Tour of the Haunted Mansion With Rosario Dawson first appeared on DIS.