Why You Need a Disney-Loving BFF

It’s no secret that I wasn’t always a “Disney Adult.” In fact, for most of my adult life, I was truly mystified by the concepts of adults who deeply loved Disney. Due to this, I think I’m keenly aware of how “weird” or “strange” non-Disney adults feel about the concept of being a grown-up who is head over heels in love with Disney culture. This is where having a Disney BFF (best friend forever) comes in handy!

I have a good friend in my life who is my “Disney BFF.” On any given day, I wake up to a text from her wishing me a good day that always includes some type of Disney gif or picture in the text. Throughout the day, if Disney news breaks, we always are quick to share a screenshot or Instagram post with each other. We enjoy saying things like “Have a magical day!” to one another and never blink an eye if the other one mentions pixie dust in a daily conversation. We are very aware of one another’s Disney countdowns and take the time on our trips to share pictures along the way. She is my Disney BFF, and I truly feel like my Disney fandom experience is enhanced by having someone I can share this experience with.

(My Disney BFF is a HUGE Minnie fan, so this photo is in her honor!)

You see, for me, Disney has become a huge hobby. I don’t necessarily love Disney for the rides (although I do enjoy them) as much as I love the whole “Disney culture.” I love this idea of a world where the sole focus is being happy with your family or friends. I love the idea that there is always more to do, that is always changing and evolving, but at the heart stays the same. I love aspects of Disney that are hard to define, and are definitely more of a feeling and less of a “thing.” However, for most people in my life, Disney is synonymous with rides or Mickey Mouse. They don’t want to hear my excitement about the littlest aspects of Disney World, and I completely understand that. Having someone I can share this with is very freeing and really helps me to have an outlet for this side of my personality.

If you aren’t lucky enough to have a Disney BFF in “real life,” there are many outlets for Disney fandom online that allow you to find and connect to others! For starters, there are tons of Disney message boards, my favorite obviously being DISboards. Beyond that, the Instagram community around Disney is huge! You can always engage in conversations with other fans, follow along on other people’s Disney experiences, and feel connected to the world of Disney, even from your home. Facebook groups are plentiful and are never lacking for conversation. I know I find a lot of information on these groups that help me to stay connected, but I also see many people form lasting friendships and connections in these groups. YouTube is another source of content where there are tons of people posting about Disney. While you may not be able to converse with others the way you can on a forum like DISboards, you can still stay updated on all things Disney content.

For me, having connections with other Disney fans only helps to enhance my Disney experience. Just this week, I got into a long conversation with neighbors I had never met before because we realized we were both Disney fans. This simple connection was enough to spark a long conversation and a connection that I know will allow us to continue chatting when we see each other. Disney is not just a place, it’s a feeling. Not everyone gets that, but when you find people who do, hold on to them! I know my life would be less magical without my Disney BFF, and I am forever thankful for that relationship and bond.

The post Why You Need a Disney-Loving BFF first appeared on DIS.