Four Mistakes You Might Be Making In Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom is arguably the heart of Walt Disney World; with its iconic castle, picturesque scenes, and classic attractions, this park ticks all the theme park boxes. For the quintessential Disney experience, look no further. There is so much to do in this park that it can take years to be able to say you have seen it all, which is why even some of the guests who have visited on multiple occasions might still be making some of these basic mistakes. See if you have ever made one of the four mistakes below:

Wasting Time Zigging & Zagging

If you find yourself glued to the My Disney Experience App until it lets you know if there have been 5 minutes shaved off the wait time at Big Thunder Mountain, this one’s for you. When stalking your next attraction in an effort to wait the least amount of time in line, don’t discount the time it will take you to walk there from where you are. Slotting in Space Mountain before riding Haunted Mansion because the line is reduced by ten minutes isn’t a good reason to walk from one end of the park and back again. It will actually take you longer in transit time than if you did them in geographical order and waited an additional few minutes in line. This is an even bigger mistake in Summer, as any unnecessary time in the elements can make you more exhausted and uncomfortable. Be sure to factor in the time it will take you to get between attractions when deciding if a sudden wait time reduction is worth the change in plans.

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

Waiting In Exposed Queuing Areas in Peak Weather

Planning your day in Magic Kingdom should always include a solid understanding of the potential weather conditions, particularly the unrelenting sun and heat. Some guests may make the mistake of ticking off the bigger rides with covered and air-conditioned line areas before moving on to the smaller attractions. While this might have you standing in those first few lines for less time, you are more likely to be stopped in outdoor queueing areas in the worst heat of the day. If you are headed to the parks on a particularly hot or intense weather day, keep those covered attraction queues for the worst of the predicted weather.

Shopping On Your Way In

If you arrive at Magic Kingdom before the rope drop entry time, you will be forgiven for spending some of your free time in the airconditioned shops bordering Main Street, USA. While looking at all the beautiful souvenirs, don’t be tempted to do too much shopping before you begin your park day. Those items will be spending the day with you, weighing down your backpack, and adding to your exhaustion as the day wears on. They will also be more susceptible to breakage if your purchase is something fragile. Leave some time to wander through on your way out, returning any special items to your resort for safekeeping.

Taking Your Castle Photos Directly In Front

Cinderella Castle is beautiful. As you enter Magic Kingdom, the glistening building warmly welcomes you as its presence draws guests up Main Street. You stop in front of it, in awe of its beauty; this is where many guests at Magic Kingdom make this mistake. If you feel compelled to take a photo at the front of this castle, by all means, go for it, the problem is, every other guest in the place will do the same, and your image is often crowded with strangers in the background. Instead, go for a little walk around the outside and see some of the other vantage points where you can take your iconic family photo without everyone else behind you. One of my favorites is to turn right at the castle; you will see the bridge that heads towards Tomorrowland. On that bridge, you can take your image against the handrail, with the castle spaced beautifully in the background and nothing but sparkling water rippling in between.

Photo by Jorge Martínez, instagram @jmartinezz9 on Unsplash

Have you made any of these mistakes before? What’s the one mistake you have made in Magic Kingdom that you have since learned a better way of handling?

The post Four Mistakes You Might Be Making In Magic Kingdom first appeared on DIS.