FULL TOUR of Disney’s NEW Tiana’s Palace Restaurant

Can you believe that Tiana’s Palace is finally getting ready to open to guests in Disneyland?

Tiana’s Palace entrance

The restaurant officially opens to guests tomorrow, September 7th, but we were invited into the restaurant early to see it in all its glory. Come inside for the first official look at Tiana’s Palace!

While we couldn’t get a full look at the outside just yet due to a few last construction walls, we did check out what you’ll see walking into the restaurant. A large, festive green and yellow awning covers the outdoor seating area, with lights hanging between each color.

It’ll protect you from the sun!

You can head over to the left of the door to check out the pick-up window.

Pick Up Window

You can head into the restaurant to the right of the pick-up window. The door is painted a dark green/blueish color, while the surrounding wall is an orangeish/beige color.

Walking into the restaurant

As you enter, look to your left to see some coats and hats hanging on the wall with a jazz band photo above it.

To the left of the door

There are so many details to check out inside the restaurant, like this photo of Young Tiana and her father.

Tiana and her father

Or this letter to Tiana from her old neighbor, Lorraine! There are multiple letters you can find on the walls.

Letters to Tiana

If you look up at the light fixtures, you’ll notice they all are themed to the film — we love these waterlily lights so much!

Lights inside Tiana’s Palace

One of the chandeliers may not look too different, but it’s got green accents to tie into the theme.

Chandelier with green accents

While you’re looking at the ceiling, don’t forget to admire the beautiful blue late-night sky.

The ceiling!

Before you head to grab your food, you’ll find the menu on the wall to decide what you’d like (the menu is also listed on the Disneyland App).

Menu on the wall

Not only is all the food laid out for you to see and grab

Inside Tiana’s Palace

…but you can even see the Cast Members preparing some of the food in real time. Check out those beignets!

Cast Member preparing beignets!

Get ready to grab your tray and eat inside this beautiful restaurant!

Get ready to eat!

We can’t wait until this spot officially opens so you all can see all the beauty for yourselves. Looking for more Disneyland news? We’ve got you covered!

As always, stay tuned to DFB for all the latest Disney news!

Only ONE of Disneyland’s three new treats is perfect — which one is it?

What are you most excited to try at this new restaurant? Tell us in the comments!

Heather Sievers is DisneyFoodBlog’s Dining in Disneyland columnist! Check out more of her adventures at @DininginDisney on Instagram!

Disclosure: In nearly all circumstances, Disney Food Blog writers and photographers pay full price for their own travel, hotel, food, beverage, and event tickets. We do this because it’s important to us as journalists to ensure not only that we give you unbiased opinions, but also that you can trust us to do so since we’re paying our own way. On rare occasions, when we are invited by a company to attend a preview as media, and when we choose to accept that invitation, we will always make you, our readers, aware of that situation. Today, we were invited by Disney World to attend their media preview of Tiana’s Palace Restaurant. Note that when we attend events as media we are 1) Not required to review that event/food on any of our channels, and 2) Not required to review that event/food favorably. You can always count on DFB to give you a 100% unbiased and honest review of any event that we attend, food that we eat, or beverage that we drink. You can see more in our Disclosure Policy. Thank you for reading. — AJ

The post FULL TOUR of Disney’s NEW Tiana’s Palace Restaurant first appeared on the disney food blog.