A Word of WARNING If You’re Traveling to Disney!

We’re in the middle of the winter season and with the chill comes seasonal colds.

Magic Kingdom

Unfortunately, people across the country are seeing an increase in sickness. According to the LA Times, about 23% of people who participated in a text message survey in Los Angeles County have experienced “a cough or shortness of breath for the week that ended Dec. 10.” This is up 2% from the late summer surge of respiratory illness. During a lull in sickness, the percentage was only 10%. And COVID-19 numbers are higher now than they have been in other months, as well.

This surge is not secluded only to California, rates are higher everywhere. So here are some tips for how you can avoid getting sick on your Disney vacation.

If you decide to take a trip to Disney, you are acknowledging and accepting that you may get sick. There are so many people from all over the country and world in the parks, it’s a very likely possibility. But we have a few tips for avoiding it as best you can and a couple of things you can do if you end up sick on your trip.

Wash Your Hands

Disney World and Disneyland are full of people, even on the least busy days of the year. That’s why it is especially important to wash your hands regularly throughout the day.

Journey of Water Restroom

Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water can drastically reduce the number of germs, bacteria, and viruses that are spread. It’s important to keep your hands clean, especially before eating, so any of the nasty germs that you’ve picked up on the rides don’t enter your system and cause you to get sick.

Avoid Touching Handrails

In any Disney park, on any coast or continent, it’s nearly impossible to not touch the same things as thousands of other people. Every time you get on a ride, chances are you’re touching a part of it that every other person that came before you touched (this is why hand washing is SO important). But when you can avoid it, we recommend it!

Look at all those people touching everything!

We don’t want to creep you out but think about all the potentially sick people who are touching the rails, the harnesses, the seats, and all the things on every ride that you are also touching. Seriously, try to only touch the things you NEED to touch (and then go wash your hands!).

Keep Space From Others

We’re not saying go back to COVID-19 standards, here. And we know that on busy days (or nearly any day) in a park, it’s hard to stay away from other people. But, if you can, maintain a little distance from the people around you –you could be doing your immune system a favor.

We understand that it’s difficult to avoid people when the park looks like this!

When you’re in line, stay back a bit from the person in front of you. If you’re waiting for a show, stay off to the side, away from others. You get the idea, just do your best to not get too close to the other guests.

Cover Your Mouth

Sometimes, though, getting sick at the parks is simply unavoidable. When you’re around such a large crowd of people, chances are that it’s going to happen. If that is the case, please remember to cover your mouth and nose when you cough.

Health and Safety Reminders

Coughing into the crook of your elbow is a good way to make sure you’re fully covered. We’re not saying to wear a mask, but at least have the courtesy to not cough on others. And remember, wash your hands!

Health Care Services

If you do end up sick in Disney, there are several places you can go if you need to see a healthcare specialist. In Disney World and Disneyland, all the parks have registered nurses available for first aid, quick remedies, and over-the-counter medications. You can check with Guest Relations on where to find the First Aid Center in the park you’re visiting.

Magic Kingdom First Aid Center

And if something REALLY bad happens on your vacation (we hope it doesn’t!!), Disney World has a brand-new emergency hospital that is amazing! The AdventHealth emergency room is the place we would want to be taken to if we ever needed a trip to the ER. They even have DoleWhip there!

Advent Health ER Lobby

We hope no one in your party ever has to see the inside of the ER at Disney World, but it is comforting to know it’s there. Please, stay safe and healthy on your trip, whether it’s to Disney World or Disneyland!

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Oh boy, planning a Disney trip can be quite the adventure, and we totally get it! But fear not, dear friends, we compiled EVERYTHING you need (and the things to avoid!) to plan the ULTIMATE Disney vacation.

Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned pro, our insider tips and tricks will have you exploring the parks like never before. So come along with us, and get planning your most magical vacation ever!

Do you have other tips to avoid getting sick? Let us know in the comments!

The post A Word of WARNING If You’re Traveling to Disney! first appeared on the disney food blog.