Photos: NEW Stricter Face Mask Policy Sign Appears in Disney World

According to Disney’s current rules, all guests ages 2 and over must wear a face mask at all times in the theme parks, except when at a Relaxation Station or when actively eating or drinking and stationary.

Halloween Face Masks

Whether you’ve got a DFB mask or a Disney mask or one of the many other face mask designs out there, it’s important that you follow Disney’s specific mask requirements during your stay.

Over time, Disney has updated its announcements to remind guests of specific details related to its face mask policy, including that you can only remove it when actively eating or drinking and stationary, and that masks must remain on while taking photos.

Halloween Face Mask

Today, we spotted a NEW mask-related sign in Magic Kingdom. This sign specifically notes that “Guests not properly wearing an approved mask will be asked to leave.”

New Mask Sign

We saw this sign as we walked under the train station at Magic Kingdom, but we expect that this sign will pop up around Disney World at the other theme parks as well.

New Mask Sign in Magic Kingdom

As a reminder, neck gaiters and open-chin triangle bandanas are not acceptable face coverings. Additionally, Disney has banned face masks with valves or holes.

New Halloween face masks appear in Star Trader!

Guests should also keep in mind that face masks must fully cover your nose and mouth.

© Disney

It seems Disney has placed these signs in the park to make it clear that guests who do not follow these policies will be asked to leave the park. If you’re headed to Disney World soon, be sure to review the mask policy and ensure the masks you have meet the requirements. Also, you’ll definitely want to bring multiple masks with you so you can change them out during the day and throughout your trip as necessary.

Click here to check out our new DFB PLASTIC CHEESE Face Mask!!


The post Photos: NEW Stricter Face Mask Policy Sign Appears in Disney World first appeared on the disney food blog.