Adventureland Pavement Replacement Reaches to Skipper Canteen in Magic Kingdom

Work on the themed Adventureland pavement in Magic Kingdom has spread to Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen.

Adventureland Pavement Work

An outdoor view of Skipper Canteen, a restaurant with a colonial-style facade and signage reading "Jungle Navigation Co. LTD. Skipper Canteen" with a rope line guiding the entrance.

This morning, new themed pavement was drying just in front of Skipper Canteen. Luckily, the sit-down restaurant doesn’t open until 11 a.m., but guests will be able to enter and exit the restaurant using the far right side of the entrance.

If you’ve not yet dined there, Skipper Canteen is a table-service restaurant located in Adventureland at Magic Kingdom. There, you can enjoy the cuisine of Asia, South America, and Africa, served to you by the same skippers who guide the steamers down the Nile, Amazon, and Congo Rivers aboard the Jungle Cruise just a short walk away.

Inside the restaurant are three themed dining rooms: the crew’s colonial-era Mess Hall; the Jungle Room, a former family parlor for Dr. Albert Falls; and the S.E.A. Room, where the Society of Explorers and Adventurers once met in secret.

A theme park walkway shows guests strolling, with a stroller and person using an umbrella for shade. There are colorful buildings and a lamppost, and the ground displays some stains and cracks.

The gray area shown here toward the top left is the old pavement, while the brown is new. The first sections of new pavement were installed near the Adventureland bridge a few weeks ago.

It’s been less than a week since we reported on the bottleneck the new pavement work had created just off the Adventureland bridge in front of Sunshine Tree Terrace.

A theme park walkway with a cordoned off area and people walking in the background. Nearby is a building with the sign "Skipper C" partially visible. Trees and plants surround the area.

Roped stanchions surround the drying pavement to prevent guests from stepping in the wet concrete.

A dry, patchy dirt area with footprints is next to a pedestrian walkway where people are walking and a person in a mobility scooter is seen. Vegetation and a building are in the background.

The new pavement is more themed, with various animal prints and purposeful cracks throughout. It’s reminiscent of pavement installed in Frontierland last year, or the Storybook Circus sidewalks.

A dirt path features scattered animal tracks, human footprints, and imprints of leaves. The ground is dry with patches of greenery along the sides.

The prints resemble different kinds of animals you may find in Adventureland. There are hoof marks, paws, and little bird feet, to name a few. All are animals you might encounter on attractions in the land.

A patch of dry, sparse grass with green patches on a dirt area bordered by a concrete curb. Footprints are visible in the dirt, leading away from the curb towards a muddy pathway.

Other sections closer to buildings have spots of green, mossy texture, as if the rain runoff over the years has caused this reaction.

What do you think of the new Adventureland pavement? Did you prefer the former, unthemed look? Let us know in the comments and on social media.

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