Gideon’s Bakehouse at Disney Springs is Hiring & Construction Update

Today on their Instagram feed, Gideon’s Bakehouse announced that they are now hiring back of house bakers for their new Disney Springs location. In their announcement, they stated that their bakers not only get to create their gorgeous and gigantic cookies, but they will also get to enjoy time chatting with their guests, so personality is key.

The ad encourages you to apply online, if you’re awesome, that is!

The photo above provides a little taste of the atmosphere that you can expect to see at the new location and we hear that there will be plenty of detail to take in once you’re “granted entry.”

Deni stopped by the upcoming Gideon’s location at Disney Springs and noticed that they’ve got some new awning metal framework up so we thought you might like to see the progress.

An exact opening date has not yet been announced, but you can bet that we’re waiting with bated breath over here and we’ll share the news as soon as we’ve got it!