Your Disney Must-eat List: the Contemporary Resort’s Chocolate Peppermint Cookie

I’m back today to share another Walt Disney World snack that I’d recommend that you add to your Disney must-eat list. Open your Notes app and let’s synchronize our lists!

If you’ll be visiting Walt Disney World during the holiday season, let me recommend that you take the time to swing by the gingerbread display on the fourth floor of Disney’s Contemporary Resort for their Chocolate Peppermint Cookie. And while you’re there, get two. You’re going to eat that first cookie, and you’ll want another. I speak from experience.

A couple of years ago, I stopped by the Contemporary’s gingerbread display (which, by the way, is amazing in and of itself), and, when I was trying to discern which cookie to purchase, I asked the advice of the cast member working at the display. I ask cast members for advice and recommendations all the time. They always know what’s best. Anyhoo, when I asked which cookie she would recommend, the cast member smiled and immediately pointed me in the direction of a fudgy, pepperminty treat that she said she cannot wait to have again each holiday season. She did not steer me wrong. The Chocolate Peppermint Cookie is just that good. Stopping by the display for this cookie is now an annual tradition of mine.

The cookie itself is more on the cakey side of things, and features chocolate ganache and a generous sprinkling of crushed candy canes on top. The picture above shows smaller version of the cookie that was a part of a variety box that was sold in 2019 to commemorate the display’s 10th anniversary. The real thing is roughly the size of your palm. And it’s worth every penny of the five dollars and fifty cents that you’ll pay for it.

While you’re at the display, be sure to take in the details and savor the results of the hard work that the Contemporary Bakery Team poured into creating it. And take your time looking over all of the delicious snack options.

Alrighty. It’s your turn! What Walt Disney World treat would you recommend that I add to my Disney must-eat list? Please let me know in the comments section below.