The Worst Cookie I’ve Ever Had at Walt Disney World

Along the highway of life there will likely be a speed bump or two, right? The moments when things just aren’t what you’d hoped they’d be are bound to come along. Unfortunately, this pertains to the realm of Walt Disney World snacks as well.

If you know me, you know that I love a good Disney World cookie. There’s something special about getting to enjoy a delicious cookie in your happy place; it just doesn’t get better. Getting to share the good news with you about a yummy cookie is incredibly fun. But if I only shared the good cookies with you, I would be doing you a disservice. We all have a budget when it comes to in-park spending, so I want to share my thoughts about both the good and the bad in an effort to help you know possibly where to spend your vacation dollars, and where not to.

Enter Disney’s Hollywood Studios‘ Mickey’s Holiday Cookie. This seasonal cookie is available for purchase at both Rosie’s All-American and ABC Commissary, and costs $4.99.

Friends, this is a very photogenic cookie, and you’ll likely want to post it on all of the social medias. And it’s HUGE; just about the size of my head big. The official description of the treat states that it is “a vanilla butter cookie enrobed with white chocolate and sugar snowflakes.” So it’s lovely to look at, it’s a lot of cookie for the price paid, and it’s got a description that makes it sound like the perfect holiday treat. What’s not to love, right?

Well, that first bite had me confused. The white chocolate had an awful taste to it. It wasn’t sweet and it wasn’t pleasant. It tasted a bit medicinal, and the aftertaste of the white chocolate glaze isn’t something to savor. Friends, it tastes really bad. The thick vanilla butter cookie itself was okay. It takes a few seconds to get to the buttery, almost shortbread-like, taste, but it’s there. The butter cookie has a nice texture, but the white chocolate glaze definitely does not.

And, it’s worth noting that the red glaze will stain your fingers just a bit. Be ye warned.

With all of the delicious cookies currently available at Walt Disney World, like Contempo Cafe‘s Chocolate Peppermint Cookie and the Chocolate Crinkle Cookie in EPCOT‘s American Adventure, I’d be remiss if I didn’t suggest that you skip Mickey’s Holiday Cookie. Trust me. I just had another bite of it for reference (and perhaps in misplaced hopes that it would somehow miraculously taste better), and I now regret my choice to do so. The medicinal, chemical-like aftertaste of the white chocolate glaze is not good. At all. Hard pass.

Have you tried Mickey’s Holiday Cookie? If so, what did you think? If you have a cookie that you’d recommend that I add to my must-eat list, please let me know in the comment section below.