NEWS: Anaheim School District Pushes Back In-Person Learning Until March

In March of 2020, the Disney parks around the world shut down due to the global pandemic.

Disneyland Gate

Not only were theme parks affected, but shops, restaurants, and schools closed down as well. Even though some Disney theme parks have reopened, others, like Disneyland, remain closed. Recently Los Angeles County announced a safer-at-home order, and today we found out the nearby City of Los Angeles is implementing the same order.

Hospital availability has become a huge concern again as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in California, and school districts are taking notice. According to the OC Register, Anaheim Union High School District students won’t return to in-person schooling until March 12th, 2021, which is the start of the fourth quarter.

Buena Vista Street

School board leaders made the decision on Tuesday, December 1st after contemplating some sort of hybrid learning with both in-person and online aspects. It is not certain that the school district would have been able to transition to in-person in January anyways because of the push back to the purple tier for cases. 


Since the school district did not reopen to in-person learning while Orange County was in the red tier, the district must wait until the area returns back to the red tier and stays there for a few weeks. Certain schools that had reopened before Orange County was bumped up to the purple tier are allowed to stay open. We will keep you updated on the latest news regarding coronavirus in Anaheim.

Read more about the safer-at-home order for the City of Los Angeles

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Do you know someone who goes to school in this district? Let us know in the comments. 

The post NEWS: Anaheim School District Pushes Back In-Person Learning Until March first appeared on the disney food blog.