REVIEW – Which Holiday Sweets at Wilderness Lodge to Order and Which to Avoid

Do you ever give yourself advice, and then not follow it? That’s exactly what I’ve done, except I put it out there for all the digital world to see. Last year I wrote about the holiday treats at Wilderness Lodge and recommended certain items instead of others. Well folks, I returned to Wilderness Lodge for some holiday treats, and I had forgotten my own advice.

Learn from my mistakes. Here’s the holiday treats you should order at Wilderness Lodge, and which ones to avoid.

Holiday Exclusives at Roaring Fork
Christmas Cupcake and Gingerbread Pine Tree

Roaring Fork at Wilderness Lodge has a nice list of holiday treats, all available via mobile order:

  • Reindeer Food – Cubes of Gingerbread, White Chocolate-covered Pretzels, M&M’s Chocolate Candies, and Granola Pieces – $6.19
  • Gingerbread Pine Tree – House-made Gingerbread Cookie – $5.49
  • Spiced Moose Cookie – Christmas Spiced Sugar Cookie – $4.99
  • Christmas Cupcake – Spiced Cupcake with a Raspberry Filling and Vanilla Buttercream – $5.99

Be sure to order the Spiced Moose Cookie and the Reindeer Food. Don’t order the Christmas Cupcake and Gingerbread Pine Tree.

The Spiced Moose Cookie and the Reindeer Food are both packed with festive flavor. They are both pretty good values, and are nicely packaged, you could even use them as little gifts. And these are the two treats I recommended last year.

Instead of order these, I ordered something else. The Christmas Cupcake sounded fantastic to me with its spiced cake and raspberry filling. It looked quite enchanting too with its Christmas tree motif. I brought the cupcake home to split with my husband, and after plating it and snapping one quick photo, it toppled over. The raspberry filling that I was very much looking forward to, was all at the top, and did not fill out much of the cupcake itself. It was a tiny bit, and it was delicious, but it ended up overwhelmed by the vanilla buttercream on top.

Christmas Cupcake and Gingerbread Pine Tree
Christmas Cupcake – Inside

Normally I cannot get enough frosting. I am one of those people that will beg for a corner piece of a sheet cake in order to get more frosting. But this frosting was thin. It did not add the decadence that good buttercream frosting usually brings. The cake itself was lightly spiced, which may be preferred by some folks. For me, if I am going to have a spiced cupcake during the holiday season I want it to scream loud and clear in all its warm spice glory.

Gingerbread Pine Tree – Back
Christmas Cupcake and Gingerbread Pine Tree

Now onto the Gingerbread Pine Tree. Someday I will learn not to order the gingerbread served at the Deluxe Disney Resorts. Every year it sounds appealing to me. Thick house-made gingerbread with chocolate on the back sounds great doesn’t it? Except the gingerbread is not quite chewy, not quite crunchy, and tastes like there is way too much molasses and not enough nutmeg and clove.

I took one bite at home, then tried to pass it off to my husband – who declined. I even tried to let my toddler have some, and it was a pass for him too. I felt bad wasting it. I am setting myself a reminder on my phone for next year to read my own words: stay away from the resort gingerbread. Go for the cookies instead!

Have you had the resort gingerbread before? What’s your favorite holiday treat at the Disney resort hotels?

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