A Blast from the Past: EPCOT Fountain and Sculpture Returns Better Than Ever

We must have been on Santa’s nice list, because we got a special present at EPCOT yesterday. At one time, long before the appearance of Leave a Legacy at Epcot, there was a fountain topped with three “crystal” pylons that had a delightfully 80-style futuristic vibe. Time took its toll, and eventually these pylons were removed for many years, although the fountain itself remained. With the reimagining of the entrance area at EPCOT, work began on the fountain, and eventually it was seen that new pylons were being added back to the fountain area. Yesterday the walls and scrims came down, and we got our look at the revamped fountain. Simply put, it is beautiful by day and stunningly gorgeous by night. Our exceptional photographer (interviewer with the ever-popular tiny mic) Ivonne was at Epcot yesterday to photograph this area in all its new glory.

Are you excited to see this back at Epcot? Let us know what you think about it in the comments.

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