Water Bottle Refill Stations at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

When it comes to finding water bottle refill stations at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, there’s certainly a disconnect going on. For a theme park whose very message is based on conservation, you’d think that every water fountain would have a water bottle refill station, which would encourage the use of reusable water bottles over single-use water bottles. Sadly, this is one of the more difficult parks to find and use the water bottle refill stations.

One small suggestion for Disney’s comment box — I’d love to see water fountains that have water bottle refilling stations included in the MyDisneyExperience app so you can search for them. It wouldn’t take much to add that, and it would be a very useful search option to have.

During our tour of Animal Kingdom, we were able to locate only two water bottle filling stations. Both were in Pandora and, sadly, both were in queues: one in the Flight of Passage queue and one in the Na’vi River Journey queue. When we asked if we could go in to refill water bottles, we were told no. You can only refill water bottles if you’re waiting in the line.

Water bottle filler in Flight of Passage queue
Water bottle filler in Na’vi River Journey queue

I truly hope that the lack of water bottle filling stations in Animal Kingdom is an oversight on Disney’s part and that water fountains could get water bottle filling stations added over the next year or so. They are relatively inexpensive (you can get a commercial-grade unit starting around $1500), and the benefits for conservation impact and guest satisfaction are invaluable.

Know of any water bottle filling stations that we’ve missed in our tour of the parks? Think there should be more, especially at Animal Kingdom? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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