22 Things Disney Pros NEVER Do!

Here at DFB, we frequently give you lots of tips and tricks of what you should do to make your Disney trip as fun and memorable as possible! 

Cinderella Castle

Now, if you’ve been following along with us you’re probably pretty familiar with some of the things we recommend. While it can be really helpful to know all the spots you should visit and everything you should do to enjoy your vacation, you should also know the things you shouldn’t do. These are 22 of the things that a true Disney pro would NEVER do!


There are even a few faux-pas you can make before arriving at Disney World!

Packing For Style, Not Comfort

We know you were hoping to break out that new outfit you’ve been saving for your trip to snap that Insta-worthy shot you’ve been thinking about since you booked your vacation, but we say…skip it! When going to Disney World, it can be really easy to underestimate the amount of walking you’ll be doing and you want to make sure you’ll be COMFORTABLE while doing it!


Pack clothes you’re confident will be comfortable for a long day in the rain, the heat, and anything in between. This goes for shoes, especially. It can be really easy to rack up your mileage on a park day! You’ll probably be hitting your step-goal and THEN some! Avoid packing shoes that you haven’t broken in yet, AND bring a backup pair in case the first pair gets wet.

Skip the Sunscreen

That Florida sun can sometimes be unforgiving, it’s the “Sunshine State,” for crying out loud! Maybe you think since you’ll be in and out of rides and shops all day, that you can skip the sunscreen. Nope. Nah. Just don’t Risk it.

World Showcase

Disney Pros know that sunburns can and will happen, even in Disney World, so make sure to pack some sunscreen and some aloe or lotion, too, just in case. This still stands in the winter months, too!

Check out the gear we recommend for your Disney trip!
