Checking Out the Main Street Cinema as the Temporary Confectionery

There is something so iconic about walking into the Main Street Confectionery just after you’ve entered Magic Kingdom. The smell of all the sweets gloriously swirling around the shop as you try to decide which one (or two, ahem) to choose is what dreams are made of.

From the pastel-colored accents surrounding you to the show kitchen that allows guests to observe cast members delicately hand-decorating the carameled apples, there is more than one reason to feel that nostalgia inside this shop.

We’re not sure what this refurbishment will entail, but we hope that the same nostalgia we’ve grown to love will still be there in the details.

As we previously reported, the Main Street Confectionery is currently closed for refurbishment, and Disney has not announced how long the closure will last.

Fear not, my sweets and treats-loving friends, Craig stopped by the Magic Kingdom and found the Main Street Cinema loaded with all the goodies you can imagine.

From those beloved candy apples to popcorn and other packaged candy, it’s all there.

You’ll even find some fun items for your kitchen like aprons and oven mitts.

A little birdie told us that the marquee outside has received its update and now displays what’s actually inside currently. Let us know in the comments if you stop by!