12 More Wish You Were Here Zoom Backgrounds

For better or worse, or somewhere in between, Zoom meetings have become a part of our life that isn’t likely to completely disappear any time soon. If you’re going to have to have a Zoom meeting anyhow, you might as well have fun with it, right? Our in-parks team takes a LOT of photos every week from all around Walt Disney World. Some of the photos end up in the blog, on our web site, or on social media. But with so many photos, there’s some that we personally love, and so we want to share some of those with you so you can use them as a Zoom background at your next meeting.

Looking for information on how to use these Zoom backgrounds on your machine? See our first Zoom picture sharing post here. Now, on to the photos!














Do you have a favorite out of this batch? Any requests for future Zoom backgrounds? Let us know in the comments.

The post 12 More Wish You Were Here Zoom Backgrounds appeared first on TouringPlans.com Blog.