Disney World is Asking Guests to Fill Out a HUGE Survey on New Procedures After Leaving the Parks

Can you believe all four Disney World theme parks are finally open for the first time in many months?

Tree of Life

It’s been a totally surreal experience being back at Disney World, but we’ve been on a mission to see how Disney is addressing the health and safety concerns of every guest and Cast Member inside the newly reopened parks.

In fact, Disney World has started sending out surveys to guests who have recently visited the parks to see what they thought of the changes. We received this email a few days ago after visiting Animal Kingdom asking if we would like to participate in the online questionnaire.

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

We’re pretty used to receiving these types of surveys in our inboxes, but this time, Disney World has added a bunch of new questions related to the modifications they’ve made. If you’ve visited the parks recently, Disney might be asking you for your feedback too!

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

We were asked about our general arrival experience at Disney’s Animal Kingdom which included parking and screening. Thanks to their new bag check area and screening procedures, the only thing we were instructed to remove from our bags were umbrellas — everything else can stay in your bag!

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

We also had more typical questions like how likely it is that we would be returning to Disney World in the next 5 years were still on the survey.

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

But here’s where we started to get into the meat and potatoes of the new survey. It was time to give our honest opinion on new operational changes Disney has instituted at the reopened park.

There’s a series of questions pertaining to physical distancing measures, mandatory face masks, hand washing, and enhanced sanitation — basically all of the safety precautions Disney has implemented so far. Disney wanted to know how much of an impact they had been on our trip.

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

Since character meet and greets at all the parks have been paused, other forms of entertainment are being offered. We were asked what we thought of the new Character Cavalcades and other groups we saw.

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

We were asked how we felt about expansive health and safety procedures including temperature screenings, mandatory face masks, plexiglass, and social distancing markers.

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

We were also asked for our general impressions of the behavior of other guests.

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

There were several questions asking how crowded the parks felt to us. This survey ended up being quite long — A LOT longer than the standard Disney World survey we’re used to filling out, so plan on carving out some extra time to put your thoughts together for the much lengthier version!

Screenshot of Animal Kingdom Survey

Some of the questions also related to your personal opinion about the current state of the global health crisis. Overall, this is much more detailed and in-depth. But hopefully, it means that Disney can continue to push to make sure the parks are as safe and comfortable for guests as they can possibly be during this time.

Click here to see our coverage of Disney’s Hollywood Studios grand reopening yesterday!

Have you filled out a Disney World survey for any of the newly reopened parks? Let us know in the comments below!