PHOTOS, VIDEO: Full Tour of Mardi Gras 2022 ‘Float Factory’ Tribute Store at Universal Studios Florida

We got a sneak peek of the Mardi Gras Tribute Store at Universal Studios Florida this morning, but the store has now fully opened to the public.

As the exterior façade implies, the Tribute Store is themed to a float factory — that is, a factory dedicated to designing and constructing parade floats.

The entryway has a desk with sketches of the Tribute Store.

There are binders labeled for multiple different Tribute Stores.

Blueprints, artwork, and photos for the store are on a corkboard (all protected by glass).

More sketches and models are on display in a glass case.

A whiteboard calendar in the corner has the first of “E.A.R.L.S. Safety Tips.”

The tip says, “Safety Last.”

File folders have schedules and papers tucked into them.

Next, guests enter the Concepts & Ideas room of the warehouse.

A wall reads “Tribute Store Float Factory & Prop Warehouse.”

Banners from previous Mardi Gras events can be seen in the first room.

More safety tips are stuck throughout the store.

A Halloween Horror Nights Tribute Store sign from last year has been stashed in a barrel.

The room even has references to Halloween Horror Nights and other old Tribute Stores.

One wall is covered in giant blueprints and concept images.

There are more desks covered in concepts and ideas.

Part of the Jazz Preservation Hall sign from the 2021 Mardi Gras Tribute Store façade is here as well.

These work tables are covered in items you might find in a real factory.

You’ll notice references to the “space gator float” as we move through the whole store.

There’s even a food delivery menu.

A Tribute Store wouldn’t be complete without a Mold-A-Rama machine. This year, guests can make a wax gator in honor of the King Gator float.

The little green gator is $6.

Look up, and you’ll see more props atop the shelves.

Cardboard boxes are labeled “skeletons,” “dark ride material,” “silica gel beads,” and “skulls.”

Team Members had fun with this box labeled “crushed dreams.”

The next room is an extension of the prop warehouse.

In this room, we’re starting to see models be constructed.

Here’s our first look at the space gator’s head.

We love this photo-op with the HHN bear statue and a throne.

There’s even another Mold-A-Rama machine.

At this one, guests can get a wax riverboat for $6.

Larger pieces of floats and decorations adorn this room.

Another sign from last year’s Halloween Horror Nights Tribute Store is tucked away.

Here’s another E.A.R.L.S (Earl’s Advanced Rules Leading to Safety) safety tip: clean jokes only.

It looks like we have a rocket ship to look forward to.

Next, guests enter a hallway that transitions between the rooms.

This year’s hallway features photographs from previous Universal Studios Florida Mardi Gras events.

Next, we enter the Scenic & Paint room.

This room instantly hits you with more color. Glitter tests for a wave float are on the wall.

More Mardi Gras posters hang from the ceiling.

This alligator head is about ready to be painted.

Moving further into the room are bright and colorful costumes.

Don’t forget your mask.

Here are some wave and gator glitter options.

And before entering the showroom are several shelves of Mardi Gras-themed paint.

Finally, it’s time to enter the showroom and see the final floats.

The main attraction of the Tribute Store is the completed space gator float.

The gator’s head is enclosed in a custom-made helmet with a see-through visor.

He sits atop a wave-shaped float covered in streamers and sparkles.

The King Gator himself is pretty sparkly. He has a golden headdress.

The ceiling is decorated with garland and beads.

The merchandise, food, and beverage carts in this room also resemble floats.

Stay tuned for our reviews of some of these delicious-looking snacks.

There is a float for fresh-roasted nuts.

Before leaving, make sure to look up for a friendly face.

Of course, Earl the Squirrel wouldn’t miss out on Mardi Gras.

He’s even wearing his own space helmet for a visit to Planet Mardi Gras, which is catching the colorful lights.

There is one final hallway featuring concept art of more floats.

And at the exit is a piano, covered in jazz instruments and surrounded by plants.

A tree covered in beads bends over it.

The fence outside is decorated with garland and masks.

Watch our video tour for a closer look at the Tribute Store below.

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